Ernst-Otto Czempiel, Gert Krell, Harald Müller, Reinhard Rode
United States Interests and Western Europe
Arms Control, Energy and Trade
This book focuses on domestic factors of U.S. foreign policy, and can thus provide explanation why the United States, in spite of all transatlantic rhetoric, have repeatedly taken decisions which neglect important interests of the Allies. The book contains contributions from American and European scholars about SALT II, Euro-American differences of interest in questions of defense and security, about US energy policy and its effects on Europe, about US trade policy and about the position of american multinational corporations.
Bibliographische Angaben
Ernst-Otto Czempiel/Gert Krell/ Harald Müller/Reinhard Rode (Hg.), United States Interests and Western Europe. Arms Control, Energy and Trade, Frankfurt/M. (Campus), 1981