Carolin Anthes

Institutional Roadblocks to Human Rights Mainstreaming in the FAO

A Tale of Silo Culture in the United Nations System


Carolin Anthes inves­tigates how and why the Food and Agri­culture Orga­nization of the United Nations (FAO) struggles with syste­matically inte­grating a right to food app­roach in its ope­rations. She ana­lyzes multi-dimensional institu­tional road­blocks that prevent hu­man rights from being fully main­streamed. These barriers are shaped by a power­ful state of frag­men­tation and dis­connec­tion: a silo culture. The book also offers valu­able in­sights which go beyond the FAO and suggests a fairly un­conven­tional avenue for systemic orga­niza­tional change in (international) public ad­mi­nistra­tions.


Bibliographische Angaben

Anthes, Carolin (2020): Institutional Roadblocks to Human Rights Mainstreaming in the FAO. A Tale of Silo Culture in the United Nations System, Studien des Leibniz-Instituts Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS,