| 2018
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (<span class="s_publikationsjahr">2018): Coercion and Peace. PRIF's New Research Program<, PRIF Report, 2, Frankfurt/M .
PRIF’s new research program started in 2018. For at least the next five years the ambivalent relationship of “Coercion and Peace” will provide the framework for a significant part of the research conducted at the institute. Different research groups will focus on the conditions, forms, effects and kinds of legitimation that characterize coercion to peace as well as coercion in peace. The topic is not merely of academic relevance. By studying the complex ways in which coercion and peace relate to each other, the researchers aim at shedding light on the current plight of the international order and its consequences for international and intrastate conflict. The present report outlines the new research program. It identifies overarching questions, crucial conceptual clarifications, and important analytical distinctions, as well as research gaps and research topics.