Democratization after Civil Wars: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Democratization is among the standard forms of therapy that are supposed to create lasting peace in post-civil war societies. This dissertation project investigated the strengths of this peace strategy using the example of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It uncovers, however, that democratization endangers both itself and domestic peace. These dangers not only arise from the transition to a democratic system but are also inherent in the very nature of democracy itself. Established democracies are at least capable of expelling the dangers that arise from democratic freedom and democratic competition. Post-civil war societies, on the other hand, are more susceptible to unleashing their destructive potential. Weighed in relation to other concepts, the establishment of democracy proves to be the worst option – when ignoring all others.
This dissertation led to the broader and also completed project titled “The Contribution of Externally Induced Democratization to Consolidating Peace in Post-War Societies”. The project “No State and Nation - no Democracy. The Democratization of the Post-Civil War Societies” also drew from this dissertation.
- Demokratisierung nach Bürgerkriegen | 2007
Thorsten Gromes, Demokratisierung nach Bürgerkriegen. Das Beispiel Bosnien und Herzegowina, Schriftenreihe der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Bd. 56), Frankfurt/New York (Campus) 2007.
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