Completed Projects
- "Rogue States", "Outlaws", and "Pariahs": Dissidence Between Delegitimization and Justification
- A Twenty-First Century Concert of Powers
- Antinomies of Democratic Arms Control in the 1990s
- Arguing and Bargaining
- Causes of the Differences in War Involvement of Democracies since 1990
- Conditions for Successful Governance in the Conflict Between Humanitarianism and Sovereignty
- Contested World Orders
- Democracies and the "Revolution in Military Affairs"
- Epistemic Warfare: Deception, Communication and Hybridity in International Security (PhD Project)
- From Biological Disarmament to Biosecurity: Securitization or Humanization of Biological Weapons Control After September 11, 2001?
- Functional Change in Conventional Arms Control in Europe
- Implementation of successful measures and processes for UN Security Council Resolution 1325
- Institutionalized Inequality in Global Governance
- Justice and Compliance: Explaining the Effectiveness of International Regimes
- Mapping discourses on NATO’s future
- Metanorms, Justice Claims and the Contestation of the Responsibility to Protect (PhD Project)
- Missile Defense Research
- Norm linkage as politics of legitimacy: The interaction of protection and prosecution norms in humanitarian intervention debates
- Permissive Effects of International Norms: Napalm and the Long Non-Emergence of the Norm Against Cluster Munitions (PhD Project)
- Preparation for the NPT Review Conference 2010: Proposals for the Norwegian Presidency of the Seven Nations Initiative
- Proactivism and State Identity: Irish and Canadian Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Policy (PhD Project)
- Radicalisation within the Normative Nuclear Order: How Contestation and Resistance to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Led to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. (PhD Project)
- Salafism in Germany
- Steps Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
- Technology and Politics of Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and Arms Control
- The Imperial Discourse. The Liberal World-View Between Global Governance and Neo-Conservatism
- The Prohibition of Biological Weapons – a Norm of Customary International Law?
- The Transformation of Arms Control. Norm Dynamics and Notions of Justice in Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
- To Save Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
- Transparency as a Prerequisite of Arms Control
- Wars of Democratic States since 1990
- Why Comply? A comparative analysis of conventional arms control in African states (PhD Project)
- “A Matter of Theology, not Evidence”: US Missile Defense and Ideational Change (PhD Project)
- Contested World Orders
- Democracy and the Legalization of the Military Use of Force
- Democratization and Promotion of the Rule of Law of the Council of Europe in Middle and Eastern Europe since 1989 (PhD Project)
- Do All Roads Lead to Rome? Institutional Roadblocks to Human Rights Mainstreaming in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (PhD Project)
- Drifting Apart: International Institutions in Crisis and the Management of Dissociation Processes
- Dynamics of Deviance: Torture and its Prohibition in World Politics (PhD Project)
- Global Norm Evolution and the Responsibility to Protect
- Justice and Peace Between the Global and the Local
- Mapping discourses on NATO’s future
- Modes of Decision-Making in International Organizations
- Norm Disputes: Contestation and Norm Robustness
- Parliamentary Control of Military Deployments in Democracies
- Police Reform in Fragile States: The Role of International Actors
- R2P: The Various Effects of Norm Contestation
- Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON)
- Regional Security Organizations as Building Blocks of a Just World Order?
- Resource or Threat? On the Ambivalence of Internal Criticism in International Organizations (PhD Project)
- Salafism in Germany
- The International Organization of Democratic Peace
- The Leibniz Research Network "Crises in a Globalised World"
- "Rogue States", "Outlaws", and "Pariahs": Dissidence Between Delegitimization and Justification
- Contested World Orders
- Corporate Security Responsibility: The Role of Transnational Corporations in Conflict Zones
- Corporations and Natural Resource Governance
- Designing Proliferation-Resistant Fusion Reactors – Ideas for developing an Effective and Just Nuclear Order for the Twenty-First Century
- Digital Opposition
- Extreme Society: Radicalization and Deradicalization in Germany
- Global Crime Governance - The Privatisation of Maritime Security
- Global Crime Governance – Towards a Normative Order to Combat Transnational Non-state Violence and Organized Crime
- Nationalist Religion and Democratic Foreign Policy: The Democracy Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (PhD Project)
- PrEval – Evaluation Designs for Prevention Measures
- Project Network PANDORA
- Protest and Memory: how contemporary protests in Germany relate to the ‘long 1960s’ in West and East-Germany
- Reconciliation or Punishment? The Work of Religious NGOs on the International Criminal Court (PhD Project)
- Religious NGOs in the United Nations: Mediators or Polarisers?
- Routinised Insurgent Space (RIS)
- The Legitimation of Non-State Regulation in Interconnected Normative Orders
- The Politics of Recognition and Armed Non-state Actors
- Transnational Boycotts
- Variance of Salafist radicalization processes (PhD Project)
- Welcome or insulted? A comparative study of reactions to refugees in Germany
Intrastate Conflict (26)
- A rising China confronting its neighbors? How recognition mitigates territorial and maritime conflicts in the East and South China Seas
- Conflicts and Indigenous Justice in the Andes (Peru and Ecuador)
- Democracy, Social Peace and Economic Crisis in South America (PhD Project)
- Democratization after Civil Wars: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PhD Project)
- Engaging in Shrinking Space – a response manual for German development actors
- Islamist Movements from a Social Movement Theory Perspective: The Jordanian Islamic Action Front and the Tunisian An-Nahdha within Changing Opportunity Structures (PhD Project)
- Justice Conflicts in Democracy Promotion
- Mapping discourses on NATO’s future
- Meanings and Significance of Justice and Peace in Systems of Violence-based Social Control
- Nagorno-Karabakh
- No State and Nation - no Democracy. The Democratization of the Post-Civil War Societies
- Peace and Development 2020 – An Analysis of Recent Experiences and Findings
- Political, Cultural and Socio-Economic Determinants of Violence in Fragmented Societies (Using the Examples of Latin Amerika, South, and South-East Asia)
- Radicalization of the marginalized? Dynamics of Islamist radicalization in Tunisia post 2011 (PhD Project)
- Religious Generation of Knowledge and Modernization in Post-Revolutionary Iran (PhD Project)
- Russia's “Normative Alternative”? Political and Civil Rights’ Norms Internalization and Contestation Dynamics (PhD Project)
- Social Self-Consciousness and Political Culture in Post-Soviet Russia (PhD Project)
- Socioeconomic Protests and Political Transformation: Dynamics of Contentious Politics in Egypt and Tunisia Against the Background of South American Experiences
- Struggles over Socioeconomic Reforms: Political Conflict and Social Contention in Egypt and Tunisia post 2011 in Interregional Comparison
- Systems of Violent Social Control in Indonesia and the Philippines
- The Afghanistan War as a Challenge for International Security Policy and Crisis Diplomacy (PhD Project)
- The Contribution of Externally Induced Democratization to Consolidating Peace in Post-War Societies
- The Lebanese Constitution in the Force Field Between War and Peace. From a Competitive to a Consociational Democratic Constitution (PhD Project)
- The Promotion of Democracy as a Risk Strategy: Democratization Policy of Democracies
- The socioeconomic dimension of Islamist radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia
- The Transformation of Democracy in Bolivia and Ecuador: Justice Conflicts in the Negotiation of Political Change
Glocal Junctions (18)
- Common Remembrance, Future Relations
- Conflicts of recognition in the immigration society
- Contested crises in Athens and Frankfurt am Main. Productions of space between hegemony and moments.
- Corona Monitor
- Cultural Effects of Global Norm Transmission for SSR
- Diverging perspectives: Legitimizing regional interventions and local perceptions (PhD Project)
- Ethnic Differences in Education and Diverging Prospects of Urban Youth in an Enlarged Europe / EDUMIGROM
- European Migration Policy in Crisis
- Genuine Frankfurt? An Audio Walk on Authenticity in Urban Space (Knowledge Transfer Project)
- Mapping discourses on NATO’s future
- Nation Building and the Perpetration of Genocide: Memory, National Security, and the Cold War
- Policy Coherence for Peace in Practice: German Government Action in Mali and Niger
- Populist Discourse and Claims to Authenticity in Brazil, India and Ukraine
- Remembering Political Founding Fathers: ‘Historical Authenticity’ in Politics and Memory Culture in Post-colonial Mozambique (cancelled)
- Security Conflicts, Security Concepts and Security Actors in Nigeria (PhD Project)
- Spatial order of a divided society: Production and appropriation of conflict spaces in Mozambique (cancelled) (PhD Project)
- The Cultural Dynamics of Political Globalisation
- The Image of the Democratic Soldier: Tensions Between the Organisation of Armed Forces and the Principles of Democracy in European Comparison
- Extreme Society: Radicalization and Deradicalization in Germany
- PrEval – Evaluation Designs for Prevention Measures
- Project Network PANDORA
- Radicalization of the marginalized? Dynamics of Islamist radicalization in Tunisia post 2011 (PhD Project)
- Salafism in Germany
- Variance of Salafist radicalization processes (PhD Project)