
In HSFK-Report 2/2008 Tabea Seidler-Diekmann analyzes the comprehensive ban of chemical weapons


Former diplomats and scientists from Europe and North America appealed to bring the adapted CFE Treaty into Force – now Russian colleagues replied…


Joint Statement by scientists and politicians on the relationship between Western countries and Russia


In HSFK-Standpunkt 5/2007, Stephanie Sohnius investigates the controversy about the retreat of the American forces between the president and the…


In HSFK-Report 1/2008, Heidrun Zinecker analyzes the case of Honduras


In HSFK-Report 14/2007 Karima El Ouazghari examines the African Union and the Darfur-Conflict


New book on the transformation of armed forces in the 21st century edited by Niklas Schörnig and Jan Helmig


In HSFK-Report 11/2007, Bernhard Moltmann examines how Northern Ireland could be a model for promoting peace in international conflicts in general


In HSFK-Report 13/2007, Iris Wurm scrutinizes the autocratic modernization in Saudi-Arabia


In HSFK-Report 12/2007, Simone Wisotzki analyzes the dangers of man-portable air defense systems
