Hope in Sight?

In HSFK-Report 14/2007 Karima El Ouazghari examines the African Union and the Darfur-Conflict

The African Union (AU) is a young organziation. It was established only in 2002, in order to jointly bring peace and security to the continent. In HSFK-Report 14/2007 "Grund zur Hoffnung? Die Afrikanische Union und der Darfur-Konflikt" (Hope in Sight? The African Union and the Darfur Conflict), Karima El Ouazghari analyzes the AU's opportunities to meet this goal. She identifies the differences between the AU and the previous - and less successful - Organisation for African Unity (OAU) and assesses that the institutional premises of the AU are promising.


The author also examines the AU's role in the Darfur Conflict, as well as the reasons why the AU has not deployed all its opportunities to contribute to a conflict resolution.