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In HSFK-Standpunkt No. 6/2009 Melanie Zimmer explains the roots of piracy in Somalia and explores the efforts of the international community
The HSFK-Standpunkt 5/2009 documents the award of the Hessian Peace Prize 2009 to Dekha Ibrahim Abdi
Nicole Deitelhoff and Klaus Dieter Wolf edited a book about corporate governance contributions to peace and security in zones of conflict
In PRIF-Report No. 88 Elke Krahmann examines a possible norm change caused by the use of private security companies
In HSFK-Report 10/2009 Harald Müller and Annette Schaper search for the prerequisites leading to zero nuclear weapons and find concrete answers
In HSFK-Report 9/2009 Roland Seib examines the reasons and possible consequences of China’s commitment in the South Pacific
In HSFK-Report 8/2009 Thorsten Gromes scrutinizes the state of democratisation in Macedonia
PRIF’s librarian Stephan Nitz publishes in-depth commented bibliography of the history of theory of peace
If you missed the deadline for the 20th Spring Academy application you have now another chance to participate!
In HSFK-Report 7/2009 Simone Wisotzki identifies the indicators and reasons of the changing forms of arms control