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In HSFK-Standpunkt 04/2011 Janneke Rauscher illustrates the reasons why Hamas does not renounce violence.
On 24th May 2011, the Peace Report 2011 was presented at the German Federal Press Conference
New PRIF Report by András Rácz on the EU-Belarus relationship against the background of Russia's influence
HSFK-Standpunkt by Karima El Ouazghari on the future role of Islamic opposition movements in the Arab world
New book on peace and conflict studies, edited by Peter Schlotter and Simone Wisotzki
Latest issue of "Osteuropa" examines space, interests and law in the Arctic
PRIF Report by Jonas Wolff on the US relations with Bolivia and Ecuador from Bush to Obama
HSFK-Standpunkt by Harald Müller on the international consequences of the German refusal to participate in a military intervention in Libya
Podiumsdiskussion mit Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Friedensbewegung am 4. April um 19 Uhr
HSFK-Report by Bruno Schoch on the impediments towards a democratization of the Kosovo UN protectorate