Conference "Was kümmert uns der Krieg von gestern? Perspektivenwechsel im Gedenken an die Toten der Weltkriege"

Together with the state parliament of Hesse, the German War Graves Commission and the Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain, PRIF organizes this symposium on 25th November.

The symposium deals with question how relevant and important it is today and will be in the future for individual persons, German society as well as a unifying Europe to remember the casualties of war. How does history affect places of mourning and remembrance?

Please note that the conference language is German!

Contact at PRIF: Dr. Sabine Mannitz


25th November 2010

Hessischer Landtag (state parliament of Hesse)



Please register until 20th November 2010 at  hessen @volksbund .de by stating the conference's title, your name and address.


The symposium's programm can be downloaded here (only in German).