Between Facts and Doubts: Epistemic Trust in International Organisations
The links between uncertainty, knowledge and trust are central for most theorising in International Relations (IR). Yet not only the lack but also the abundance of information can be a source of uncertainty. This, in turn, ascribes a decisive role to those actors who turn information into knowledge – such as epistemic communities or international organisations. Both rely on trust in the production, producers, and provision of knowledge. This project brings together research on trust and international organisations in IR. Whereas trust research has mainly focussed on bilateral and interpersonal relationships (mostly on security issues), organisation research presupposes that the knowledge of international organisations will be trusted qua their expertise. Linking both research areas, this project studies the processes, actors, and outcomes of information collection and knowledge creation. This will help to better understand how and under which conditions knowledge and expertise by international organisations are trusted, which is crucial for them to fulfil their role as brokers in global conflicts. The project studies the role of trust and knowledge in international organisations across issue areas, including human rights, global health, arms control, and sustainability.
This project is part of the ConTrust initiative with Goethe University Frankfurt.
- Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Mission | 2023
Lesch, Max (2023): Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Mission, in: International Studies Review, 25:3, 1–27, DOI: 10.1093/isr/viad034.
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- Devianz als Vermittlung zwischen Fakt und Norm | 2022
Lesch, Max (2022): Devianz als Vermittlung zwischen Fakt und Norm. Epistemische Praktiken und fact-finding internationaler Organisationen, in: Zeitschrift diskurs, 2022:8, 12–26,
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