A new role for NATO in the High North? The European Arctic and Russia’s war against Ukraine

The diversity of scholar­ships examining the range of the issues in the High North shows that the Arctic is not a unified space from a security perspective, which obviously makes ensuring security a difficult task. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict in 2014 already revealed the problem, however tensions in the Arctic were mitigated then. The large-scale war forced European Arctic states to reformulate postures towards Russia, the Alliance, and the Arctic security environ­ment, calling the traditional mode of security governance in the region into question. Correspon­dingly, the proposed study analyzes security and foreign policy of European Arctic states (Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Finland) since 2014 to track the change and continuity vis-à-vis Russia as well as NATO.

Accordingly, the study is able to investigate how European Arctic states reconstruct threats, challenges, and risks, and correspon­dingly their security and foreign policy, especially vis-à-vis NATO: are European Arctic states open to a more substantial role for NATO in the region? Should the essence of the Alliance’s role in the Arctic be limited to Article V of NATO’s Treaty? Will the Arctic be remilitarized and re-securitized again if NATO is to be a proactive game changer and a security provider there? Is it possible to construct a security model that would combine traditional and non-traditional thinking about security and its practicing correspon­dingly? How could a security dilemma associated with Russia be addressed under an increased NATO’s role in the High North?

Project director:
European and Transatlantic Security, and Russia’s War Against Ukraine | 2022

Podvorna, Olena (2022): European and Transatlantic Security, and Russia’s War Against Ukraine, in: Reconstructions of History, 5, 101-112.

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The Russia-Ukraine War as a Factor of Germany Foreign and Security Policies' Transformation | 2022

Podvorna, Olena (2022): The Russia-Ukraine War as a Factor of Germany Foreign and Security Policies' Transformation, in: Modern Historical and Political Issues: Journal in Historical & Political Sciences, 46, 22-34, DOI: 10.31861/mhpi2022.46.22-34.

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The Arctic policy of the United States of America under the Presidency of Donald Trump | 2020

Podvorna, Olena (2020): The Arctic policy of the United States of America under the Presidency of Donald Trump, in: Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури, 12(2), 112-124, DOI: 10.15421/352041.

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NATO Arctic Policy in Statu Nascendi | 2019

Podvorna, Olena (2019): NATO Arctic Policy in Statu Nascendi, in: Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review, 19(2), 163-186, https://nbn-resolving.org/(...).

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Arktyczny wymiar polityki zagranicznej oraz polityki bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej | 2019

Podvorna, Olena (2019): Arktyczny wymiar polityki zagranicznej oraz polityki bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej, in: M. Banasik (Hg.), Polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej i jej konsekwencje dla bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Difin, 159-184.

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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)