
Media and the public are invited on 5 November 2009 at 5 pm


First lecture held by Klaus Dieter Wolf about corporations as norm entrepreneurs


In HSFK-Report 4/2009 Harald Müller propounds how to expose a rule-breaker in a nuclear weapon free world and how to deal with him


In HSFK-Report 3/2009 Annette Schaper proposes a catalogue of measures to improve the verification of disarmament of nuclear material


The German Research Association (DFG) announced the excellent third-party funds record at its press conference on 10 September 2009


"Wie kann eine neue Weltordnung aussehen?" by Harald Müller published in English


HSFK-Report No. 8/2008 by Harald Müller and Andreas Schmidt about the “Relations between the United States and India after 2001” has been translated…


At the international symposium „Just Peace Governance“ in honour of Harald Muller, researchers offered manifold prospects on PRIF’s future research…


In HSFK-Report 2/2009 Berthold Meyer reviews whether the concept of the "Innere Führung" of the German armed forces is still sustainable


In HSFK-Report 1/2009 Carmen Wunderlich puts forward pragmatic proposals for an overdue reform of the UN Security Council
