
Online-Discussion at the Ger­man Forum on Se­cu­ri­ty Po­li­cy with Nicole Deitelhoff (PRIF), Janka Oertel (ECFR) and Christoph Trebesch (IfW)

Prof. Nicole Deitelhoff (Foto: Uwe Dettmar)

Nicole Deitelhoff receives Excellence Award from the State of Hesse.


The network “Netzwerk Paulskirche – Demokratie im Kommen” hosts the “Days of Democracy” – with PRIF among others

Zwei Pinguine am Ufer und im Hintergrund ein Schiff sowie ein Boot mit in gelb gekleideten Menschen

New PRIF Spotlight by Patrick Flamm discusses conditions for success in Antarctic diplomacy

PrEval Projekt (Foto: Ricardo Gomez Angel via Unsplash / Unsplash License).

Since the beginning of the year, the “Zukunfts­werkstätten” of the PrEval Project have invited discussion

The picture shows a focus group in Bundung on a Saturday afternoon with women who usually sell products at the markets. © PRIF/Sophia Birchinger.

New PRIF report analyzes the local perceptions of AU and ECOWAS interventions in the Gambia

Diskussion beim Launch Event des Special Issues von "Small Wars & Insurgencies" zum Thema Rebel Governance

Launch Event of the Special Issue of “Small Wars & Insurgencies” on the topic of Rebel Governance: Authors and PRIF staff discuss the research…

Hochschulpräsident Dr. Walter Seubert überreicht die Ernennungsurkunde an Julian Junk

Julian Junk has been appointed to the “Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit”


RADIS Ring Lecture (in German) to start in April at Goethe University Frankfurt and RWTH Aachen University


DSF Supports Research on Effects and Modes of Humanitarian Military Interventions
