Global House of Young Voices

Virtual Youth Parliament with Frankfurt's Sister Cities

In May of 2024, a one-week sum­mit with young people from Frank­furt's 17 sister cities will take place: The foun­dation for an inter­national youth parliament, the “Global House of Young Voices”, is to be laid. The summit strengthens both: the inter­national net­work and the inter­cultural compe­tence of young people. The result of the summit is creating a frame­work for the young people to discuss politi­cal questions in a multi-perspective setting, to identify common challenges, and to articulate require­ments for the (virtual) conti­nuation of the “Global House of Young Voices”.

The goals of the project are to pro­mote edu­cation for global citizen­ship in the sense of the UN Sus­tainable Develop­ment Goals, to link local and global political pro­cesses, and to sustain­ably streng­then Frankfurt's city partner­ships.

The pro­ject takes place with­in the frame­work of “Netzwerk Paulskirche”. It is fun­ded by the City of Frank­furt am Main as well as Stiftung junge Weltbürger (“Young Global Citizens Foundation”) and coor­dinated by PRIF, with the support of the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF).

Frank­furt’s Sister Cities in­clude: Birming­ham, Buda­pest, Deuil-La Barre, Dubai, Eskişehir, Gra­nada (Nicaragua), Guang­zhou, Kairo, Kra­kau, Leip­zig, Lyon, Mai­land, Philadel­phia, Prag, Tel Aviv, Toron­to, Yoko­hama.


Tina Cramer
Knowledge Transfer Officer
Contact: cramer @prif .org

Yvonne Blum
Knowledge Transfer Officer

Laura Friedrich
Knowledge Transfer Officer

Stefan Kroll
Head of Science Communication

Raphaela Schlicht-Schmälzle
Senior Researcher at Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF)

Media Coverage

November 18, 2023
Radio Report on KYW Newsradio Audio On-Demand
Philly students to represent city schools at global conference in Germany

1. März 2024
Report in Frankfurter Wochenblatt mentioning the Global House (in German)
OB Josef empfängt Freunde aus China: Delegation aus Guangzhou zu Gast