Nicole M. Doerr

Nicole M. Doerr

Visiting Fellow
Research Department:
Research Alliance ConTrust


E-Mail: doerr @prif .org
Twitter: @nmdoerr @CoMMonSCPH
URL: Persönliche Website


since 2023Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
since 2016Associate Professor of Sociology, Universiy of Copenhagen, Denmark
2018Monography Political Translation—How Social Movement Democracies Survive, Cambridge UP, Contentious Politics Series

Founding Director of CoMMonS, Research Centre for on Politicial Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2013-15Associate Professor for International Relations, MHC
2010Marie Curie Postdoc, UCI and Harvard University, USA
2009PhD, EUI Florenz, Italien

Other professional activities

  • Developmental editor, academic coaching
  • Workshops on green transition, participatory democracy, civic engagement, gender justice, intersectionality, anti-racism, and visual, digital media
  • Guest co-editor: Special issues in European Journal of Politics and Gender, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Visual Studies