Equal Opportunities
Hesse’s Equal Opportunity Law (HGIG) is the foundation on which PRIF promotes equality at the institute. As a member of the Leibniz Association, PRIF likewise abides by the association’s general recommendations for gender equality among women and men as well as the research-oriented standards on gender equality set out by the German Research Foundation (DFG). PRIF regularly reviews and drafts measures to promote women and evaluates the implementation of goals that the institute has set for itself. Moreover, PRIF has been awarded the “Total E-Quality” Award for its active and successful commitment to equal opportunities. The institute has also been a member of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Dual Career Network since 2011.
As a signatory to the employers’ initiative “Charta der Vielfalt”, PRIF is committed to promoting diversity in companies and institutions.
Alliance Together against Sexism
As a signatory to the declaration “Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus und sexuelle Belästigung”, PRIF is committed to the goal of recognising sexism and sexual harassment and establishing effective measures to combat them.