Equal Opportunities

PRIF’s equal opportunity goals aim to promote gender equality between women and men – and thereby elimi­nate the under­represen­tation of women from all profes­sional areas – as well as to support our staff members in achieving a work-life balance be­tween their families and careers.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Hesse’s Equal Opportunity Law (HGIG) is the foundation on which PRIF promotes equality at the institute. As a member of the Leibniz Associ­ation, PRIF likewise abides by the association’s general recom­menda­tions for gender equality among women and men as well as the research-oriented standards on gender equality set out by the German Research Foundation (DFG). PRIF regularly reviews and drafts measures to promote women and evaluates the implemen­tation of goals that the institute has set for itself. Moreover, PRIF has been awarded the “Total E-Quality” Award for its active and successful commit­ment to equal opportunities. The institute has also been a member of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Dual Career Network  since 2011.

Equal Opportunity Officer

Yvonne Blum

Yvonne Blum

Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer

Una Jakob

Una Jakob


[Translate to Englisch:]


Diversity Charter

As a sig­natory to the employers’ initiative “Charta der Vielfalt”, PRIF is committed to promoting diversity in companies and institutions.

Alliance Together against Sexism

As a signatory to the declaration “Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus und sexuelle Belästigung”, PRIF is committed to the goal of recognising sexism and sexual harass­ment and establishing effective measures to combat them.