Dr Clara-Auguste Süß

Dr Clara-Auguste Süß

Associate Fellow
Research Department:
Intrastate Conflict
Research Group Radicalization
Research Group Terrorism


E-Mail: suess @prif .org
Twitter: @Clara_Suess

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since 05/2024Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Outreach and Transfer Manager of the Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
since 2024Associate Fellow at PRIF
2023–2024Research Associate at the Goethe University Frankfurt
2023PhD in Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt
2022Visiting stay at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Centre on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos), Florence/Italy (October–November)
2019–2023Doctoral Researcher at PRIF
2018–2019Research Associate at PRIF for the project "Extreme Society"
2015–2017Scholarship of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES)
2014–2017M.A. in Political Science, Philipps University Marburg, Germany
2011–2014B.A. in Political Science and Communication Studies, TU Dresden, Germany


Dr Clara-Auguste Süß is working on the following issues:

  • Radicalisation and political violence
  • Social movements and mobilisation
  • Maghreb, especially Tunisia


Ethical Research in the German Social Sciences: Exploring the Significance and Challenges of Institutionalized Research Ethics Practices | 2024

Crawford, Andrew / Fichtner, Laura / Guntrum, Laura Gianna / Jänsch, Stephanie / Krösche, Niklas / Soulier, Eloïse / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Ethical Research in the German Social Sciences: Exploring the Significance and Challenges of Institutionalized Research Ethics Practices, in: Research Ethics (online first), https://doi.org/10.1177/17470161241270787, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/17470161241270787.

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Demokratie unter Druck: Politische Extremismen und hybride Ideologien | 2024

Ahmed, Reem / Albrecht, Stephen / Brost, Lea / Hegemann, Hendrik / Johansson, Susanne / Junk, Julian / Kahl, Martin / Klöckner, Mona / Janina, Pawelz / Stephanblome, Isabelle / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Demokratie unter Druck: Politische Extremismen und hybride Ideologien, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (PRIF)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (Hg.), Friedensgutachten 2024, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 135–150, www.friedensgutachten.de.

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Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization | 2024

Abay Gaspar, Hande / Junk, Julian / Sold, Manjana / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization, PRIF Working Papers No. 62, Frankfurt/M.

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One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region | 2022

Süß, Clara-Auguste / Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2022): One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, DOI: 10.1007/s42597-022-00081-9.

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Is the worst yet to come? | 2021

Süß, Clara-Auguste (2021): Is the worst yet to come? Consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and its management in the Maghreb, PRIF Spotlight 11/2021, Frankfurt/M.

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The Pandemic and its Handling as Crisis Intensifiers? Taking Stock of Mobilisation, Terrorism and COVID-19 in the Maghreb | 2021

Süß, Clara-Auguste (2021): The Pandemic and its Handling as Crisis Intensifiers? Taking Stock of Mobilisation, Terrorism and COVID-19 in the Maghreb, in: Bassou, Abdelhak/Tobi, Youssef (eds), Thriving on Uncertainty. COVID-19-Related Opportunities for Terrorist Groups, 60–83, www.euromesco.net/(...).

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Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know | 2021

Süß, Clara-Auguste / Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know, in: ORIENT, 14-19.

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Who are these “Islamists” everyone talks about?! Why academic struggles over words matter | 2020

Pfeifer, Hanna / Schwab, Regine / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Who are these “Islamists” everyone talks about?! Why academic struggles over words matter, PRIF Blog, 3.12.2020.

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What do we know about radicalization? Key findings, challenges, and policy recommendations | 2020

Junk, Julian / Süß, Clara-Auguste / Daase, Christopher / Deitelhoff, Nicole (eds), (2020): What do we know about radicalization? Key findings, challenges, and policy recommendations. Focus Section, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14:2, www.ijcv.org/(...).

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What Do We Know about Radicalisation? Overview of the Structure and Key Findings of the Focus Section | 2020

Junk, Julian / Süß, Clara-Auguste / Daase, Christopher / Deitelhoff, Nicole (2020): What Do We Know about Radicalisation? Overview of the Structure and Key Findings of the Focus Section, in: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14:2, 1–5, DOI: 10.4119/ijcv-3875.

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Macron’s plan for fighting Islamist radicalization – and what Germany and other European countries should and shouldn’t learn from it | 2020

Junk, Julian / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Macron’s plan for fighting Islamist radicalization – and what Germany and other European countries should and shouldn’t learn from it, PRIF Blog, 12.10.2020.

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Macron’s Plan for Fighting Islamist Radicalisation – Offline | 2020

Junk, Julian / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Macron’s Plan for Fighting Islamist Radicalisation – Offline, GNET, 12.10.2020.

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Die Erbsünde der Revolution? | 2020

Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Die Erbsünde der Revolution?, Soziopolis, 10.9.2020.

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Das Virus als Mittel zum Zweck: Extremistische (Um-)Deutungen der Corona-Pandemie | 2020

Sold, Manjana / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Das Virus als Mittel zum Zweck: Extremistische (Um-)Deutungen der Corona-Pandemie, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 4.5.2020.

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The Coronavirus as a Means to an End: Extremist Reinterpretations of the Pandemic | 2020

Sold, Manjana / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): The Coronavirus as a Means to an End: Extremist Reinterpretations of the Pandemic, PRIF Blog, 30.3.2020.

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The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia | 2019

Süß, Clara-Auguste / Aakhunzzada, Ahmad Noor Baheige (2019): The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia, PRIF Working Papers No. 45, Frankfurt/M.

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Other professional activities

2022–2023Board Member of the EuroMeSCo Young Researchers Lab
2021–2023Representative of the board of management for assistants at PRIF
2019–2021Representative in the Leibniz-PhD-Network