Wars of Democratic States since 1990

The working group "Wars of Democratic States Since 1990" concentrates on the core issue of the research program, linking research topics and puzzles of the research groups one, two and three. Starting point of the project is the observation that a significant number of democracies participated actively in several military conflicts after the end of the Cold War. However, considering the monadic version of the Democratic Peace theory, which assumes enormous moral, utilitarian and institutional barriers to military action, this bellicious behavior of democratic states seems an anomaly. The objective of the working group is, therefore, to analyze the decision making processes which lead to military interventions. Quantitative studies, still prevailing in scholarly work on Democratic Peace, have not provided answers as to "why" and "how" the decision to wage war (or not) has been taken. Hence, the working group chose a different approach in analyzing the Democratic Peace and to open up the "black box" of domestic debates and decision making processes on war.

Project director:
  • Geis, Anna
The empirical study of 'democratic wars' | 2013

Schörnig, Niklas / Müller, Harald / Geis, Anna (2013): The empirical study of 'democratic wars'. Methodology and methods, in: Geis, Anna/Müller, Harald/Schörnig, Niklas (eds), The Militant Face of Democracy. Liberal Forces for Good, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 24-50, https://www.cambridge.org/(...).

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'O ally, stand by me' | 2013

Schörnig, Niklas (2013): 'O ally, stand by me'. Australia's ongoing balancing act between geography and history, in: Geis, Anna/Müller, Harald/Schörnig, Niklas (eds), The Militant Face of Democracy. Liberal Forces for Good, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 124-159, https://www.cambridge.org/(...).

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Friedensmächte, Kriegsmächte | 2011

Geis, Anna / Schörnig, Niklas (2011): Friedensmächte, Kriegsmächte. Demokratie als Weltordner, in: Baumgart-Ochse, Claudia/Schörnig, Niklas/Wisotzki, Simone/Wolff, Jonas (Hg.), Auf dem Weg zu Just Peace Governance. Beiträge zum Auftakt des neuen Forschungsprogramms der HSFK, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 71-92, http://www.nomos-shop.de/(...).

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Demokratie im Ausnahmezustand | 2003

Claudia Baumgart, Demokratie im Ausnahmezustand, HSFK-Standpunkte, Nr. 2/2003, Frankfurt/M.

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