
PRIF welcomes the former finnish Under-Secretary Jaakko Laajava as Honorary Diplomat Research Fellow in Frankfurt.


Panel discussion on the German refugee policy in Frankfurt on November 9th at 07.00 pm



New PRIF-Report No. 135 ascertains the causes of failing reform attempts in the police sector in Guinea-Bissau



Europa in der Krise - Podiumsdiskussion in Frankfurt am 26.10. in der Reihe "Außenpolitik live – Diplomaten im Dialog"


PRIF awards the best monograph in international peace research published in 2014/2015



The new PRIF Report questions the assumption of Chinese assertiveness by comparing the Sino-Malaysian and the Sino-Philippine conflict


Der diesjährige Friedensnobelpreis setzt das richtige Zeichen


Latest HSFK-Standpunkt by Carolin Anthes on the root causes of hunger in the world and the need for structural and normative change


Panel discussion on 15th October, 14:00–16:00


The latest HSFK-Report evaluates the convention of the “Iran-Agreement” as well as the roles of Germany and the EU in the course of negotiations
