Antonia Witt was appointed a member of the Advisory Board to the Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding. She will be involved in the projects “Target and Impact Analysis of Mediation as an Instrument of German Foreign Policy” and “Peace Policy Coherence within Germany’s Africa Policy”.
In 2022, Antonia Witt and other authors were commissioned by the Advisory Board to write the study “Policy Coherence for Peace in German Government Action: Lessons from Mali and Niger”. This study focused on the questions of how coherent German government action in Mali and Niger is with its peace policy guidelines and how civil society actors in the two countries perceive this (in)coherence. The study provided important insights for improving structures and the use of resources in Germany’s peace policy engagement, and not only in the Sahel.
The Advisory Board for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding brings together civil society and academic expertise on crisis prevention and peacebuilding and advises the German Government on these topics. The twenty members of the Advisory Boards come from the fields of international cooperation, academia, foundations and non-governmental organizations and are appointed for four years. The Advisory Board accompanies the implementation of the guidelines “Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace” adopted by the German Government in 2017. Further information on Antonia Witt's work on the Advisory Board can be found on the website of the Advisory Board for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding.