Becoming a Movement – new book by Priska Daphi

Identity, Narrative and Memory in the European Global Justice Movement

"Solidarity without borders instead G20" protesters 2017 in Hamburg (Photo: flickr, Rasande Tyskar,, CC BY-NC 2.0)

"Solidarity without borders instead G20" protesters 2017 in Hamburg (Photo: flickr, Rasande Tyskar,, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Social move­ment scholars have be­come increas­ingly interested in the role of stories in conten­tious politics. Stories may facili­tate the mobili­zation of activists and streng­then the reso­nance of their claims within public dis­course and insti­tutional politics. In her book Be­coming a Move­ment. Identity, Narrative and Memory in the Euro­pean Global Justice Move­ment, Priska Daphi ex­plores the role of nar­ratives in building collec­tive identity – a vital ele­ment in activists' continued commit­ment. While often claimed impor­tant, the con­nection bet­ween nar­ratives and move­ment identity remains under­studied.

Draw­ing on a rich pool of original data, the book's analysis focusses on the Global Justice Move­ment (GJM), a move­ment known for its diver­sity of political pers­pectives. Based on a comparison of dif­ferent national constel­lations of the GJM in Europe, Daphi demon­strates the centrality of activists' nar­ratives in form­ing and main­taining move­ment identity and in making the GJM more enduring.

This book is also an Open Access publi­cation and avail­able for download on the publishers web­site Rowman & Littlefield International.