
We conduct research on global political develo­pments that pose challenges to peace. Peace and conflict research is an inter­disciplinary research field that brings together expertise from the social sciences and humanities to the natural and technical sciences. 

PRIF's fundamental mission, the current research agenda, as well as its core units and cross-cutting research areas are outlined in the institute's research program.

To the research program

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Research Departments and Research Groups

The institute's research is organized on a long-term basis in the five thematically focused Research Department and the Department of Science Communication. Medium-term key topics that combine the perspectives of several Research Departments are dealt with in Research Groups.

Research in Alliances and Networks

PRIF cooperates in several research networks with German and international research institutions. As a member of the Leibniz Association, PRIF participates in several Research Alliances, Research Networks and Leibniz Labs.