Coming to terms with colonial violence - possibilities of postcolonial remembrance politics

Crisis Talk with Stefan Kroll and Sabine Mannitz

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For a long time, European countries repressed or even legiti­mised their own colonial history instead of dealing publicly with its conse­quences. In the meantime, however, looted art, monuments and street names are just as much the subject of public debate as euphe­mistic narratives of the colonial past. As a result, truth commissions have been set up to deal with colonial violence. Germany officially apologised in 2021 for its role in the murder of thousands of Herero and Nama, Belgium asked for an apology for its role in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, Italy for colonial abuses in Libya - to name a few examples. Possibilities of re­habilitation, compensation and restitution are being discussed politically. So far, however, disputes about who should be liable, for how long and for what share of history, have mainly taken place within the frame­work of national politics. A European exchange should serve to discuss Europe's historical respon­sibility for colonial violence and its continuing con­sequences at the EU level.


Crisis Talks of the Leibniz Research Network “Crises of a Globalized World”

In the European Union, crises have always been an impor­tant driver for change and progress. In crisis situations, the European Union, which is characterised by a high degree of hetero­geneity and is oriented towards shaping opinions, has so far usually been able to create common per­ceptions of a situation, overcome block­ages and facilitate integration. As part of the series of Crisis Talks, the Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World” addresses how Europe should deal with current and past crises.


When: 14 November 2023, Light lunch from 12:30h, Event from 13:00h - 14:00h

Where: Represen­tation of the State of Hesse, At the European Union 21, Rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels

The event will be simul­taneously interpreted (English/German), and will take place both analogue and digitally.

You can follow the event on the YouTube channel Hessen in Berlin und Europa.

You are welcome to ask your questions via streamline @lv-bruessel.hessen .de. Please register on the website of the Represen­tation of the State of Hesse for the event.




  • Lucia Puttrich, Minister for Federal and European Affairs of the State of Hessen
  • Stefan Kroll, PRIF - Leibniz Institute for Peace and Conflict Research



  • Sabine Mannitz, PRIF - Leibniz Institute for Peace and Conflict Research / Research Centre "Transformations of Political Violence" (TraCe)


Panel discussion

  • Dr. Sabine Mannitz, PRIF - Leibniz Institute for Peace and Conflict Research / Research Centre "Transformations of Political Violence" (TraCe)
  • Salima Yenbou, Member of the European Parliament
  • Laura Gaëlle Ganza, Socio-cultural worker / Independent consultant

Moderation: Alexander Göbel, Agence France-Presse


Afterwards, we invite you to join us for coffee and cake.