Simone Wisotzki

Violating the Arms Trade Treaty

Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia and the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen


There is an ongoing war in Yemen, which is taking place almost without any public or media attention and is causing immense human suffering to the Yemenite people. The parties to the conflict have violated interna­tional human­itarian law repeatedly, while the number of civilian casualties continues to rise and millions are facing famine. However, several states continue to export weapons and military equipment to all sides in the conflict. Western arms transfers to Saudi Arabia are of particular concern, because they violate the Arms Trade Treaty – an inter­national treaty strongly endorsed by Western countries and designed to curb arms exports to conflict regions or where human rights abuses are occurring.

Bibliographic record

Wisotzki, Simone (2018): Violating the Arms Trade Treaty. Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia and the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, PRIF Spotlight 1/2018, Frankfurt/M.

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