Thorsten Gromes

A Humanitarian Milestone?

NATO’s 1999 intervention in Kosovo and trends in military responses to mass violence


NATO’s 1999 intervention in Kosovo was highly contested and seen as a turning point in international responses to mass violence. Making use of a new dataset on so-called “humanitarian military interventions” since the Second World War, the author examines the extent to which the Kosovo intervention has indeed initiated new trends. A comparison with other cases shows that NATO’s Operation Allied Force differed from other military interventions with a declared humanitarian purpose. Moreover, the author introduces a typology of humanitarian military interventions and proposes a new measurement of their outcome that can facilitate comparative research.

Bibliographic record

Gromes, Thorsten (2019): A Humanitarian Milestone? NATO’s 1999 intervention in Kosovo and trends in military responses to mass violence, PRIF Report 2/2019, Frankfurt/M.

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