
Skulptur Tiger & Turtle, Magic Mountain, Duisburg (Foto: Calvin fitra Anggara, Unsplash, Unsplash License).

How Can Umbrella States Build Bridges at the Upcoming NPT-RevCon in January 2022? PRIF Blog by Sascha Hach

Gespräch zwischen Biden und Putin am 7. Dezember 2021 (Photo:

PRIF Blog by M. Dembinski and M. Polianskii on the Russian military build-up near the Ukrainian border


Statement of the Alliance of Science Organizations

Kuppel des deutschen Bundestags (Photo:

An Analysis of the Coalition Agreement of the Future German Government - PRIF Blog (in German)

Projektion auf das Humboldt-Forum in Berlin (Foto: Joachim Saupe).

PRIF investigates the culture of remembrance as part of new Leibniz Research Alliance

Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn (Foto: Franz Möller, JLU-Pressestelle).

Thilo Marauhn was elected to the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission for the third time in a row.

Auswärtiges Amt (Photo:

PRIF Blog by Sarah Brockmeier on what is needed to make Germany's Federal Foreign Office fit for the 21st century (in German)

Wahlplakat des amtierenden Präsidenten Sadyr Japarov(eigenes Foto, Rebecca Wagner).

How the elections are used to expand power and restructure the state - PRIF Blog by R. Wagner (German)

Die Suche nach Exit-Strategien als Irrweg? (Photo:

PRIF Blog by Thorsten Gromes on purpose and limits of exit-strategies (in German)

Kinder-Roller an einem Fahrradständer

Anthology with the participation of D. Mullis and P. Zschocke on political and everyday practical aspects of the pandemic
