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Heidrun Zinecker publishes book at Nomos
Nicole Deitelhoff's book published at Suhrkamp Publishing House
In HSFK-Standpunkt No. 4/2006 Harald Müller and Thorsten Gromes examine Gandhi’s teachings
Statement by Hans-Joachim Schmidt on the proceeding of the Six-party Talks
In HSFK-Standpunkt No. 5/2006, Susanne Fischer recommends to bring together the promotion of democracy and the fight against terrorism
In HSFK-Report No. 10/2006 Harald Müller discusses models of nuclear arrangements for multinational cooperation
Papers of joint conference now available online
In HSFK-Report No. 9/2006 Semiramis Akbari analyzes internal politics and how they affect foreign affairs
Press release on the six-party-talks beginning on 8 February at Beijing
International kick-off conference at Oslo, 26-28 January 2007