
In the latest publication of "Studies of PRIF", Mirjam Weiberg-Salzmann examines the civil war in Sri Lanka and why violence may function as a means…


PRIF study by Semiramis Akbari on the religious-political change in the discourse of the Shia and the shift of the balance of power in…


Carsten Rauch in HSFK Working Paper No. 7 on the consequences of the U. S.-India nuclear deal


In HSFK Working Paper No. 6 Harald Müller on the issue that good things like democracy and peace or justice and peace do not always go together.


Background Readings on Multiculturalism: Conceptualisations of Societal Conflicts, Cultural Change and Democratic Integration in Times of…


HSFK-Standpunkt No. 8/2010 by Sabine Mannitz examines the public remembrance of the casualties of war from a peace educational perspective


HSFK-Standpunkt No. 7/2010 by Elvira Rosert on the downsides of International Humanitarian Law


Christoph Reißfelder, best graduate of the 20th Spring Academy on Security Politics 2010, gave the celebratory speech at official commemoration in St.…


For the first time, PRIF receives the "Total E-Quality" Award for a successful commitment to equal opportunities. The award was presented on Thursday…


New issue of PRIF Viewpoints on the status and future of NATO by Matthias Dembinski (in German)
