
The latest HSFK-Standpunkt analyzes the impact of NATO’s military presence in Afghanistan on civilians and NATO's joint responsibility for civilian…


The latest PRIF Working Paper No. 21 by Gert Krell and Peter Schlotter examines polical concepts for world orders


Third party-funding for research group at RD VI


A public panel discussion on 3rd December addresses the regional consequences of the conflict with the terror group "Islamic State"


The latest HSFK-Standpunkt discusses the European migration and refugee policy. What has changed one year after the catastrophe of Lampedusa?


After the conclusive conference in Locarno, the international study group published a joint policy paper



The latest HSFK-Report 4/2014 examines the factors that may promote or threaten chances for a lasting peace after a civil war.


The latest HSFK-Standpunkt adresses the reasons for success of the Islamist terror group Boko Haram in Nigeria


Zusammenfassung der HSFK-Jahreskonferenz "Just Institutions and Institutional Justice in Global Politics" von Caroline Fehl


Piki Ish-Shalom’s book “Democratic Peace. A Political Biography” was honored as best monograph in peace research published in 2012/2013 with this…
