
After the conclusive conference in Locarno, the international study group published a joint policy paper



The latest HSFK-Report 4/2014 examines the factors that may promote or threaten chances for a lasting peace after a civil war.


The latest HSFK-Standpunkt adresses the reasons for success of the Islamist terror group Boko Haram in Nigeria


Zusammenfassung der HSFK-Jahreskonferenz "Just Institutions and Institutional Justice in Global Politics" von Caroline Fehl


Piki Ish-Shalom’s book “Democratic Peace. A Political Biography” was honored as best monograph in peace research published in 2012/2013 with this…


In PRIF Report No. 125 Carolin Liss analyses the contemporary piracy in Southeast Asia.


Peace researchers demand: The peace project Europe is not over - it has to be strengthened



Award recipient of the Hessian Peace Prize 2014 will be the founder of the Brazilian charity organization "Viva Rio", Rubem César Fernandes



Hearing of experts at the defence committee of the German Bundestag on 30th June


The director of the NGO "Viva Rio" was honoured for his dedication to promote a culture of peace in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
