
Second Crisis Talk of the Leibniz Research Alliance „Crisis in a Globalised World“ took place in Brussels


HSFK-Standpunkt 1/2016 balances the hitherto measures of the new president Muhammadu Buhari and verifies whether he keeps his campaign promises.


Crisis Talks by the Leibniz Research Alliance "Crises in a globalised world" in Brussels


New Working Paper reassesses standard arguments of the power transition theory based on the satisfaction status of the Weimar Republic and recommends…


"Norms in the transit zone: Global scripts, local practices": PRIF's Annual Conference in Frankfurt on June 22nd and 23rd 2016.



Latest HSFK-Report explores India's current and prospective role in world politics


Working Paper on the idea of establishing a nuclear weapon free zone in the heart Europe and its opportunities and challenges


Research project in RD II will be funded by the DFG for three years with over 300,000 Euro


Hessian Minister for Education and Research visits PRIF to learn about the project “Salafism in Germany”


PRIF-Report No. 137 re-assesses current conflicts over international civil society support and calls for a global debate about the international norms…
