Workshop: Anthropology meets International Relations

Workshop on the chances and limits of interdisciplinary anthropological and IR research - Call for Papers

In recent years, both political scientists and anthropologists have been looking for exchange between their disciplines. The workshop "Anthropology meets International Relations: potentials, prospects and pitfalls" (29th to 30th November 2012) which is organized by PRIF together with the Chair of International Organisations (Cluster of Excellence "Formation of Normative Orders") at Goethe University Frankfurt seeks to explore the possibilities and implications of this approach:

How promising is this particular interdisciplinary work? Where are the limits? Both political scientists and anthropologists are invited to discuss these and other aspects.


Furthermore, the collaboration of the involved institutions shall be fostered. The workshop is planned to be the first of a series.


The Call for Papers is now open until 15th May 2012. Please submit your proposal to workshop @hsfk .de.


Further information about the workshop can be downloaded here.