Minister of State Gernot Erler presented the book “The Future of Conventional Arms Control in Europe” at the opening of the CFE-conference of the same name on 9 June 2009. The conference took place at the German Foreign Office in Berlin. Previously, the editors of the book, Wolfgang Zellner, Hans-Joachim Schmidt and Götz Neuneck, had presented him with the volume.
All articles in this book have been published in German and in English. They were written by experts from the US; Russia, and Europe in a very short period of time in order to be published by the opening of the conference to which it is supposed to give important impulses. The book contains a foreword by Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The publication was supported by the Foreign Office.
Please find further information about the conference „The Future of Conventional Arms Control in Europe“ at the web sites of the German Foreign Office.
Please find further information about the book „The Future of Conventional Arms Control in Europe“ at the web sites of Nomos publishing house.
Wolfgang Zellner, Hans-Joachim Schmidt und Götz Neuneck (eds.): Die Zukunft konventioneller Rüstungskontrolle in Europa. The Future of Conventional Arms Control in Europe, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2009.
ISBN: 978-3-8329-4786-6