In the working paper Non-state violence and political order: A view on long-term consequences of non-state security governanceAnja P. Jakobi outlines some principal considerations on the relationship between non-state violent actors and political order. First of all she presents different actors and manifestations of non-state violence, especially in connection with development cooperation, spaces of limited statehood and the challenge of the monopoly of force of a state. She illustrates the developed problem structures by using two examples: on the one hand there is the sector of private military and security service providers and on the other hand the cooperation with non-state violent actors in Afghanistan. She ends with a review on the different forms of non-state violence and covers emerging legitimation problems in cases where state actors cooperate with non-state violent actors.
The text was designed in German for the course book ‘Transnationales Regieren’ (transnational governing) and is now, in a changed version, made available to a larger audience in English.