Last year's laureate of the Hessian Peace Prize, Ismael Khatib, became well-known as a hero in the Israel-Palestinian reconciliation process. After his son Ahmed was accidently shot by an Israelian soldier in 2005, the Palestinian Khatib refrained from revenge or hatred. Instead, he decided to donate the organs of his child and thereby saved the life of five Israeli children. Today he runs a youth center in the city of Jenin, promoting love and charity among the Palestinian youths.
The current issue of PRIF Standpunkt Eine einzigartige Geste der Versöhnung - Dokumentation der Verleihung des Hessischen Friedenspreises 2010 an Ismail Khatib ("A unique gesture of reconciliation - Documentation of the Hessian Peace Prize Award 2010 for Ismail Khatib") contains the speeches of Avi Primor, former Israelian ambassador to Germany, Volker Bouffier, prime minister of Hesse, Norbert Kartman, president of the Hessian parliament, as well as the acceptance speech by the laureate.