"There is no military solution to this conflict," is what international diplomats like to say. Not only the Taliban in Afghanistan or the government of Azerbaijan, which triumphed in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh in the fall of 2020, see it differently. Studies on the resurgence of civil wars are dominated by the finding that military victories are better than peace agreements in ensuring lasting peace. Are peace treaties only the second best way to end a civil war?
In the new PRIF Spotlight, Thorsten Gromes analyzes and compares the effectiveness of the two ways to end civil wars and concludes that peace agreements offer more than just an emergency solution.
The full PRIF Spotlight is available for download here (in German):
Gromes, Thorsten (2022): Bürgerkriege beenden. Militärische Siege und Friedensabkommen im Vergleich, PRIF Spotlight 3/2022, Frankfurt/M.