Repression, Conflict and Trust


Trust can grow in and through conflict – this is the main research hypo­thesis of ConTrust that the work­shop likes to discuss for con­flicts that involve state repres­sion. When does repres­sion create trust in state actors, when does it destroy it? What are broader trust dyna­mics in regard to in- and out­group trust as well as social trust more general? In order to break new ground, the work­shop brings toge­ther experts on two sub-fields of repres­sion research: the repres­sion-mobili­zation nexus and police vio­lence.

The sub-fields of repres­sion research have both seen a trend towards disag­gregation of actors, lea­ding to more sophisti­cated, fine-grained analy­ses of develop­ments also beyond the natio­nal level, i.e. inclu­ding the trans- and sub-national as well as the local level. Further­more, tempo­ral and spatial dimen­sions of repres­sion have been develo­ped further. These research trends allow for a deeper under­standing of how repres­sion has trans­formed over time. They also match the concep­tual under­standing of trust within the ConTrust research initia­tive that builds on a rela­tional approach to trust and on trust buil­ding based on experi­ences and learning proces­ses.Conside­ring repression as a parti­cular context of trust relations, the work­shop aims are therefore three­fold: first, to enrich the ConTrust working group on coer­cion with the cutting-edge research on repres­sion, and second, to assess what we know about trust dyna­mics in contexts of state repres­sion. Third, we aim at deve­loping a truly compa­rative research agenda on repres­sion, trust and conflict by brin­ging together contri­b­utions that cover several world regions and diffe­rent politi­cal regime types.

13.00 – 13.10 Welcome

13.10 – 15.10 Mobilization and repression

  • Protest and repression in Jordan
    Jillian Schwedler, Professor of Political
    Science, City University
    of New York's Hunter College and the Graduate Center
  • Violence against social activists in Colombia
    Jonas Wolff, Professor of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt,
    PRIF & ConTrust PI &TraCe PI
  • Comment: Trust and the repression-mobilization nexus
    Felix Bethke, Research Fellow at PRIF

15.10 – 15.30 Coffee break

15.30 – 17.30 Police violence

  • Police violence in Germany
    Tobias Singelnstein, Professor for Criminology, Goethe University Frankfurt
    & ConTrust PI
  • Police violence in Brazil and the Philippines
    Ariadne Natal and Peter Kreuzer, Research Fellows at PRIF
  • Comment: Transformations of police violence and the question of trust
    Irene Weipert-Fenner, Research Fellow at PRIF & ConTrust PI

Dinner for active participants


For further Information go to the ConTrust-Website or directly to the workshop program.

When: 06. June 2023, 01:00-05:30 pm

Where: Normative Orders building, Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2, 60323 Campus Westend, Frankfurt / Main, Room 5.01
