
PRIF engages in co­operation with several uni­versities in Germany and abroad.

At the national level PRIF’s co­operation with Goethe University Frankfurt, the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” and the Technische Universität Darmstadt deserves special mention.

The most prominent com­po­nent of the co­operation bet­ween PRIF, Goethe Uni­versity and Technische Uni­versität Darmstadt is the jointly developed Master’s program “International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research”. In addition to jointly appointed professors, PRIF’s researchers carry out teaching activities at these uni­versities und super­vise numerous Bachelor, Master and doctoral theses. Moreover, PRIF offers intern­ships and hires student assis­tants.  

Serving to further promote academic colla­boration, PRIF and the Justus Liebig University Gießen (JLU) established a co­operation in 2015. Additionally to the cross-depart­mental research group “Public International Law” at PRIF, PRIF provides intern­ships for students and enables young researchers of JLU to participate in its research.

PRIF also engages in co­operation with a number of inter­national uni­versities such as Cornell University (New York, USA) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Co­operation includes, inter alia, the ex­change of (guest) researchers and the orga­ni­zation of joint conferences and events.

Since 2017, PRIF together with the Uni­versity of Glasgow, the Dublin Uni­versity and the Charles Uni­versity Prague has been a partner institution of the inter­national Erasmus Mundus Master’s program “Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies”.

Within the context of the German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ, PRIF co­operates with several Colombian and German uni­versities.