
Werbung für ein Nein (Hayir) beim Referendum (Foto: Leif Hinrichsen, Flickr)

To overcome the division of the Turkish society, the government should encourage a democratic debate. A comment by İdil Göğüş

Graffiti in Gafsa, Tunesien: „Beschäftigung ist ein Recht“ (Foto: Irene Weipert-Fenner)

PRIF-Report on socioeconomic protests and political democratization after 2011

EU Non-Proliferation Consortium eLearning

15 learning units on non-proliferation and disarmament – PRIF took the lead in the implementation

Jonas Wolff, Jalale Birru, Annika E. Poppe (from left to right; photo: PRIF)

Jalale G. Birru to focus on peacebuilding through democratization at PRIF


Working Paper No. 35 on self-assertion and self-destruction of peace as a legal order

Science matters (Foto: duluoz cats, Flickr,

Wissenschaftliche Fakten sind als Grundlage des gesellschaftlichen Diskurses nicht verhandelbar - Demonstration am 22. April in Frankfurt

Kreml (Foto: Wikipedia, Alexander Gusev)

PRIF Report No. 145 outlines principles of a new Russia policy – by Matthias Dembinski and Hans-Joachim Spanger

Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn (Foto: Franz Möller, JLU-Pressestelle)

Internationale Humanitäre Ermittlungskommission soll zur besseren Einhaltung des humanitären Völkerrechts beitragen

Ernst-Otto Czempiel (Foto: Klaus Franke, ZB - Fotoreport)

PRIF founding father and outstanding scholar dies at the age of 89 in Berlin.

Debatte im Deutschen Bundestag (Foto: Deutscher Bundestag, Achim Melde)

PRIF appreciates the parliamentary debate and demands broad support for controversial research topics such as radicalization or migration
