
House of Commons Chamber | Foto: Flickr, UK Parliament | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 |

The majority in the House of Commons comes with a high prize - a blog post by Bernhard Moltmann (in German)

Additive Manufacturing lab at the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility | Foto: Flickr, Oak Ridge National Laboratory | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 |

Marco Fey addresses the security challenges stemming from emerging 3D printing technologies - with a focus on the risks in the field of nuclear…

German Minister of the Interior Thomas Maiziere takes a look at German Forces assisting in the instruction of the Afghan National Police at a basic training facility in Mazar-e-Sharif | Foto: Wikipedia, Daniel Stevenson | CC BY 2.0 |

A lot to do: German Government passes policy guidelines on crisis prevention - blogpost by Melanie Coni-Zimmer (in German)

PRIF Blog gelauncht (Foto: HSFK)

On, PRIF researchers write about current issues and debates in peace and conflict research.

Protest gegen die Türkei

The International Consortium on Closing Civic Space (iCon) aims to conduct research and develop concrete recommendations on how best to address and…

Consultative Meeting 2017 (Foto: HSFK)

Schwerpunkte in diesem Jahr sind u.a. Chemiewaffeneinsätze in Syrien und Irak und der Regelungsbedarf rund um bewaffnete autonome Systeme

Spreeufer, Berlin  (Foto: S. Nilsson, CC BY-SA 2.0,

New research group explores the role of social movements and civil society in intra-societal conflicts

Federica Mogherini (Foto: Dutch Government/Valerie Kuypers, CC BY 2.0,

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, will be awarded the Hessian Peace Prize


Latest news on conventional arms control

Eurofighter (Photo: Bundeswehr/Bicker)

New informational page within the OSCE-Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions' website

Friedensgutachten 2017 (Foto: HSFK)

Die Herausgeber in der Bundespressekonferenz: Wie lässt sich Gewalt bändigen, wenn die kooperative Weltordnung zerfällt?
