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  • Turkey-Syria earthquake: Polarising Religious Narratives
    | 2023
    Karahamad, Mustafa (2023): Turkey-Syria earthquake: Polarising Religious Narratives, Qantara.
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  • The Externalization of EU Borders
    | 2023
    Horváth, Sarah; Schwab, Regine (2023): The Externalization of EU Borders. The Case of Agadez, PRIF Spotlight, 4, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2304
  • Friedenspolitik kohärent gestalten: Mehr als nur ein prozedurales Ziel
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    Witt, Antonia (2023): Friedenspolitik kohärent gestalten: Mehr als nur ein prozedurales Ziel, Fourninesecurity.
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  • „10 Sudanese Movies you need to see”
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    Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2023): „10 Sudanese Movies you need to see”: Schirn Magazin.
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  • Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany's Contemporary Remembrance Culture?
    | 2023
    Mannitz, Sabine; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2023): Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany's Contemporary Remembrance Culture?, TraCe Policy Brief, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCePB2301
  • Negotiating with Ethnic Diversity: Perceptions and Patterns in Everyday Police Work in Germany
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    Müller, Nina (2023): Negotiating with Ethnic Diversity: Perceptions and Patterns in Everyday Police Work in Germany, in: Beek, Jan; Bierschenk, Thomas; Kolloch, Annalena; Meyer, Bernd (eds), Policing Race, Ethnicity and Culture. Ethnographic perspectives across Europe, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 157–173.
  • New Guidelines for Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy: The Need To Translate Norms into Political Practice
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    Wisotzki, Simone; Scheyer, Victoria (2023): New Guidelines for Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy: The Need To Translate Norms into Political Practice, PRIF Blog.
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  • Kampfflugzeuge für die Ukraine und das Risiko der Eskalation: Ein Realitätscheck
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    Kuhn, Frank (2023): Kampfflugzeuge für die Ukraine und das Risiko der Eskalation: Ein Realitätscheck, PRIF Blog.
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  • Muddying the Waters
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    Burck, Kristoffer (2023): Muddying the Waters. Official Russian Disinformation on Chemical and Biological Weapons, PRIF Spotlight, 3, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2303
  • Multilateralismus als Rahmenordnung: Zur Krise und Zukunft der multilateralen Weltordnung
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    Christian, Ben; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Kroll, Stefan; Lesch, Max; Peters, Dirk (2023): Multilateralismus als Rahmenordnung: Zur Krise und Zukunft der multilateralen Weltordnung, PRIF Report, 2, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2302
    ISBN: 978-3-946459-86-6
  • Working for World Peace: Between Idealism and Cynicism in International Organizations
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    Christian, Ben (2023): Working for World Peace: Between Idealism and Cynicism in International Organizations, Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49:1, 21-39. DOI: 10.2478/sjs-2023-0003
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  • China's New Global Security Initiative
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    Abb, Pascal (2023): China's New Global Security Initiative. A rising power spreads its wings, PRIF Spotlight, 2, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2302
  • Der Krieg im Jemen
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    El-Menshawy, Nahla (2023): Der Krieg im Jemen, Domberg Akademie.
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  • Protect and punish: Norm linkage and international responses to mass atrocities
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    Fehl, Caroline (2023): Protect and punish: Norm linkage and international responses to mass atrocities, European Journal of International Relations. DOI: 10.1177/13540661231158548
  • Identity Politics and Social Justice
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    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Pérez, Moira; Spiegel, Andrew D. (2023): Identity Politics and Social Justice, 47: 1, Berlin: Springer Nature.
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  • Zur Debatte über die Einhegung eines Cyberwars: Analyse militärischer Cyberaktivitäten im Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine
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    Reinhold, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): Zur Debatte über die Einhegung eines Cyberwars: Analyse militärischer Cyberaktivitäten im Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine, Zeitschrift für Friednes- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-023-00094-y
  • Keineswegs UNtätig!
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    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (2023): Keineswegs UNtätig!. Die Vereinten Nationen und der Ukraine-Krieg.
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  • Ungehorsamer Klimaprotest
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    Mullis, Daniel (2023): Ungehorsamer Klimaprotest. Proteste werden intensiver – eine Radikalisierung in die Gewalt ist nicht in Sicht, PRIF Spotlight, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2301
  • Drei Jahre nach Hanau: Wie inklusiv ist die deutsche Erinnerungskultur?
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    Mannitz, Sabine; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2023): Drei Jahre nach Hanau: Wie inklusiv ist die deutsche Erinnerungskultur?, PRIF Blog.
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  • Eine politische Naturkatastrophe in Nordwestsyrien – das Erdbeben und das Versagen der internationalen Gemeinschaft
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    Schwab, Regine (2023): Eine politische Naturkatastrophe in Nordwestsyrien – das Erdbeben und das Versagen der internationalen Gemeinschaft, PRIF Blog.
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  • Feminist peace and security governance and the UN Security Council
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    Scheyer, Victoria; Kumskova, Marina (2023): Feminist peace and security governance and the UN Security Council, in: Sawer, Marian/Banaszak, Lee/True, Jacqui/Kantola, Johanna (eds), Handbook of Feminist Governance: Edward Elgar Publishing, 238–249.
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  • The 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
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    Jakob, Una (2023): The 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention, PRIF Blog.
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  • Bureaucracy and the Everyday Practices of Contested State Diplomacy: The Paradigmatic Case of Kosovo
    | 2023
    Wille, Tobias (2023): Bureaucracy and the Everyday Practices of Contested State Diplomacy: The Paradigmatic Case of Kosovo, Review of International Studies, 1–19. DOI: 10.1017/S0260210522000602
  • Politicising the Rebel Governance Paradigm
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    Schwab, Regine; Pfeifer, Hanna (2023): Politicising the Rebel Governance Paradigm, 34: 1.
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  • With friends like these: the Sino-Russian partnership is based on interests, not ideology
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    Abb, Pascal; Polianskii, Mikhail (2023): With friends like these: the Sino-Russian partnership is based on interests, not ideology, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-023-00090-2
  • Precisamos urgentemente de um projeto de desradicalização das forças policiais
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    Natal, Ariadne (2023): Precisamos urgentemente de um projeto de desradicalização das forças policiais.
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  • Herausforderungen der multiplen Krise
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    Kroll, Stefan (2023): Herausforderungen der multiplen Krise. Vom Wahrnehmen und Handeln in der (Klima)krise, Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten.
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  • Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia
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    Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Milanese, Juan Pablo; Valencia, Inge Helena; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia, International Interactions, 49: 2, 237-267. DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2023.2142218
  • Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia
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    Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Milanese, Juan Pablo; Corredor-Garcia, Juan; Valencia, Inge Helena; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 34: 1, 138-164. DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2114244
  • From the Varieties of Democracy to the defense of liberal democracy
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    Wolff, Jonas (2023): From the Varieties of Democracy to the defense of liberal democracy. V-Dem and the reconstitution of liberal hegemony under threat, Contemporary Politics, 29: 2, 161-181. DOI: 10.1080/13569775.2022.2096191
  • Rebellion und Herrschaft. Politische Ordnung unter Bedingungen des bewaffneten Konflikts
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    Pfeifer, Hanna (2023): Rebellion und Herrschaft. Politische Ordnung unter Bedingungen des bewaffneten Konflikts, Forschung Frankfurt, 2023: 2, 28–31.
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  • (Merging the) Fragments of Critical International Law
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    Simon, Hendrik; Tzouvala, Ntina (2023): (Merging the) Fragments of Critical International Law, Völkerrechtsblog.
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  • A Step Towards Justice: Canada Agrees to Compensate First Nations for Loss of Culture and Language
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    Mannitz, Sabine; Kopp, Rita Theresa (2023): A Step Towards Justice: Canada Agrees to Compensate First Nations for Loss of Culture and Language, PRIF Blog.
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  • From Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of Radicalization
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    Rahlf, Lotta (2023): From Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of Radicalization, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2023.2169894
  • Between Geopolitics and Identity Struggle: Why Israel Took Sides with Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
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    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2023): Between Geopolitics and Identity Struggle: Why Israel Took Sides with Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, PRIF Report, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2301
    ISBN: 978-3-946459-84-2
  • FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population
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    Kurki, Mitja I. et al. (2023): FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population, Nature, 613: 7944, 508–518. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05473-8
  • Author Correction: FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population
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    Kurki, Mitja I. et al. (2023): Author Correction: FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population, Nature: 615, E19. DOI:
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  • Was jeder zur Risikobereitschaft des Putin-Regimes wissen sollte
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    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): Was jeder zur Risikobereitschaft des Putin-Regimes wissen sollte, PRIF Blog.
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  • Auf der Suche nach Expertise. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Auffindbarkeit von Wissensnetzwerken und Evaluationsexpertise in der Demokratieförderung, Extremismusprävention und politischen Bildung
    | 2023
    Tschöp, David; van Heeswijk, Emma; Hartwig, Lina; Büchsenschütz, Benedikt (2023): Auf der Suche nach Expertise. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Auffindbarkeit von Wissensnetzwerken und Evaluationsexpertise in der Demokratieförderung, Extremismusprävention und politischen Bildung, PrEval Working Paper, 2023: 1.
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  • How Putin’s Increasingly Risky Decisions Shape Russia’s Wars
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    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): How Putin’s Increasingly Risky Decisions Shape Russia’s Wars: Contemporary Security Policy.
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  • Inklusion statt Systemkonkurrenz
    | 2023
    Abb, Pascal; Pfeifer, Hanna; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Inklusion statt Systemkonkurrenz, PRIF BLOG.
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  • Risk acceptance and offensive war: The case of Russia under the Putin regime
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    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): Risk acceptance and offensive war: The case of Russia under the Putin regime, Contemporary Security Policy. DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2023.2164974
  • The International Implementation of R2P: Norm Contestation and Its Consequences
    | 2023
    Hofmann; Gregor P. (2023): The International Implementation of R2P: Norm Contestation and Its Consequences, in: Reichwein, Alexander; Hansel, Mischa (eds), Rethinking the Responsibility to Protect, Cham: Springer, 23–51. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-27412-1_2
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  • Das Projekt »hope«
    | 2023
    Braun, Damaris; Böttcher, J.; Deller-Wessels, L. (2023): Das Projekt »hope«. Ein notfallpsychologisches und psychotherapeutisches Trainingsformat im Kriegskontext, Report Psychologie, 38, 10–13.
  • Anti-Neutrino Detector Concepts for Safeguarding Spent Nuclear Fuel Repositories
    | 2023
    Göttsche, Malte; Schnellbach, Yan-Jie; Radermacher, Thomas; Niemeyer, Irmgard; Roth, Stefan (2023): Anti-Neutrino Detector Concepts for Safeguarding Spent Nuclear Fuel Repositories, INMM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, Vienna.
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  • Reconstructing Nuclear Fuel Cycle Operations with Nuclear Archaelogy
    | 2023
    Göttsche, Malte; Schalz, Max (2023): Reconstructing Nuclear Fuel Cycle Operations with Nuclear Archaelogy, INMM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, Vienna.
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  • Die Pogrome von morgen verhindern.
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    Zschocke, Paul (2023): Die Pogrome von morgen verhindern.. Alltägliche Solidarität trotz rassistischer Gewalt und rechter Raumnahme in Grünau, Leipziger Zustände, Leipzig: Chronik.LE, 14–17.
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  • Verification Regimes: Challenges of Knowing and Deciding Within Knowledge Infrastructures
    | 2023
    Schäfer, Julian Johannes; Böschen, Stefan Karl Josef; Ostermann, Linda; Göttsche, Malte (2023): Verification Regimes: Challenges of Knowing and Deciding Within Knowledge Infrastructures, INMM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, Vienna.
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  • Reconstructing Nuclear Histories – A Field Study
    | 2023
    Kretzschmar, Sophie; Göttsche, Malte (2023): Reconstructing Nuclear Histories – A Field Study, INMM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, Vienna.
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  • Informal Human Rights Law-Making: How Treaty Bodies Use ‘General Comments’ to Develop International Law
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max; Reiners, Nina (2023): Informal Human Rights Law-Making: How Treaty Bodies Use ‘General Comments’ to Develop International Law, Global Constitutionalism, 12: 2, 378–401. DOI: 10.1017/S2045381723000023