Colombia Under the Duque Government

| 2018
Richter, Solveig; Wolff, Jonas (<span class="s_publikationsjahr">2018): Colombia Under the Duque Government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process, PRIF Spotlight, 10, Frankfurt/M. (Spanish translation available for download) .

The peace agreement that Colombia sealed with the FARC-EP guerrillas in late 2016 offers the country the historic opportunity to leave behind an armed conflict that has lasted for over 50 years and to initiate long-term social changes. In early August, however, Iván Duque, a conservative politician who represents critics of the agreement and who wants to change it, assumed the presidency. External actors – including Germany and the EU – must figure out how to balance respect for a democratically elected government with commitment to a peace process that they regard as right and important. 

The authors would like to thank Nancy du Plessis for the translation from German into English and Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal from German into Spanish.