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Gesuchte Kategorie: Journal-Artikel
- Die NATO auf den Prüfstand
| 2020
Dembinski, Matthias (2020): Die NATO auf den Prüfstand, SPW Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft, 2020: 3, 14–18.
Zur Publikation - Deliberating Foreign Policy: Perceptions and Effects of Citizen Participation in Germany
| 2020
Pfeifer, Hanna; Opitz, Christian; Geis, Anna (2020): Deliberating Foreign Policy: Perceptions and Effects of Citizen Participation in Germany, German Politics. DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2020.1786058
Zur Publikation - Politicisation and the Legal - Contribution to Review Forum on Special Issue The Politicisation of Security: Controversy, Mobilisation, Arena Shifting
| 2020
Kroll, Stefan (2020): Politicisation and the Legal - Contribution to Review Forum on Special Issue The Politicisation of Security: Controversy, Mobilisation, Arena Shifting, European Review of International Studies, 7, 119–122. - The Perils of Path Dependency: Germany’s Russia Policy
| 2020
Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2020): The Perils of Path Dependency: Germany’s Russia Policy, Europe-Asia Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2020.1760211 - Levelling the Political Playing Field: How Nonviolent Resistance Influences Power Relations After Democratic Transition
| 2020
Bayer, Markus; Bethke, Felix S.; Lambach, Daniel (2020): Levelling the Political Playing Field: How Nonviolent Resistance Influences Power Relations After Democratic Transition, The Journal of Resistance Studies, 6: 1. - Criminal Violence in Latin America
| 2020
Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Barnes, Nicholas (2020): Criminal Violence in Latin America, Latin American Research Review, 55: 2, 397–406.
Zur Publikation - Militarization, Factionalism and Political Transitions: An Inquiry into the Causes of State Collapse
| 2020
Lambach, Daniel; Johais, Eva; Bayer, Markus (2020): Militarization, Factionalism and Political Transitions: An Inquiry into the Causes of State Collapse, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 14: 2, 99–122. DOI: 10.1007/s12286-020-00450-9
Zur Publikation - How Do States Collapse? Towards a Model of Causal Mechanisms
| 2020
Lambach, Daniel; Johais, Eva; Bayer, Markus (2020): How Do States Collapse? Towards a Model of Causal Mechanisms, Global Change, Peace & Security, 32: 2, 179–197. DOI: 10.1080/14781158.2020.1780204
Zur Publikation - Buchbesprechung - Sebastian Kaempf: Saving Soldiers or Civilians? Casualty-Aversion versus Civilian Protection in Asymmetric Conflicts
| 2020
Schörnig, Niklas (2020): Buchbesprechung - Sebastian Kaempf: Saving Soldiers or Civilians? Casualty-Aversion versus Civilian Protection in Asymmetric Conflicts, SIRIUS - Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen, 4: 2, 238–239. DOI: - Antineutrino Detection Techniques for Monitoring Long-Term Geological Repositories
| 2020
Wittel, Madalina; Göttsche, Malte (2020): Antineutrino Detection Techniques for Monitoring Long-Term Geological Repositories, ESARDA Bulletin – The International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-proliferation: 60, 20–27. DOI: 10.3011/ESARDA.IJNSNP.2020.2 - The learning effects of United Nations simulations in political science classrooms
| 2020
Leib, Julia; Ruppel, Samantha (2020): The learning effects of United Nations simulations in political science classrooms, European Political Science. DOI: - Justifying Inequality as Equality: Germany and the Reform of Voting Weights in the Council of the European Union
| 2020
Peters, Dirk (2020): Justifying Inequality as Equality: Germany and the Reform of Voting Weights in the Council of the European Union, Global Society, 34: 3, 370–387. DOI: 10.1080/13600826.2020.1739631 - Bilanz nach fünfzehn Jahren Schutzverantwortung
| 2020
Hofmann, Gregor P. (2020): Bilanz nach fünfzehn Jahren Schutzverantwortung Früher handeln statt später bedauern, Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte, 5, 37–41.
Zur Publikation - Zur naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Bewertung der Empfehlungen des Wissenschaftsrats
| 2020
Reuter, Christian; Altmann, Jürgen; Göttsche, Malte; Himmel, Mirko (2020): Zur naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Bewertung der Empfehlungen des Wissenschaftsrats, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 9: 1, 143–154. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-020-00035-z - Conversations on extremism and violence
| 2020
Kroll, Stefan (2020): Conversations on extremism and violence The limits of repression and the need for targeted prevention, German-Brazilian Dialogue on Science, Research and Innovation Nº 8, São Paulo: DWIH São Paulo, 15–17.
Zur Publikation - Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung in schwierigen Zeiten
| 2020
Wisotzki, Simone (2020): Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung in schwierigen Zeiten, Vereinte Nationen, 2020: 2.
Zur Publikation - Jumanji Extremism? How games and gamification could facilitate radicalization processes
| 2020
Schlegel, Linda (2020): Jumanji Extremism? How games and gamification could facilitate radicalization processes, Journal for Deradicalization, 23.
Zur Publikation - Challenges in Digital Ethnography: Research Ethics relating to the Securitization of Islam
| 2020
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Pfeifer, Simone (2020): Challenges in Digital Ethnography: Research Ethics relating to the Securitization of Islam, Journal of Muslims in Europe, 9 (2), 175– 195. DOI: 10.1163/22117954-BJA10002 - Review: Anders Aslund, Russia's Crony Capitalism. The Path from Market Economy to Kleptocracy
| 2020
Rogova, Vera (2020): Review: Anders Aslund, Russia's Crony Capitalism. The Path from Market Economy to Kleptocracy, Europe-Asia Studies, 72: 4, 740–742. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2020.1749424 - Understanding Charge Transfer Mechanism on Effective Truxene-Based Porous Polymers-TiO2 Hybrid Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution
| 2020
Valverde-González, Antonio; G. López-Calixto, Carmen; Barawi, Mariam; Gomez-Mendoza, Miguel; de la Peña O’Shea, Víctor A.; Liras, Marta; Gómez-Lor, Berta; Iglesias, Marta (2020): Understanding Charge Transfer Mechanism on Effective Truxene-Based Porous Polymers-TiO2 Hybrid Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3: 5. DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.0c00118
Zur Publikation - Radikalisierung und Deradikalisierung
| 2020
Sold, Manjana (2020): Radikalisierung und Deradikalisierung, Begleitmaterialien Reflect Your Past.
Zur Publikation - Natural Science and Technical Peace Research
| 2020
Göttsche, Malte; Altmann, Jürgen; Reuter, Christian; Himmel, Mirko (2020): Natural Science and Technical Peace Research Definition, History, and Current Work, Sicherheit und Frieden, 38: 1, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 1-4. - Online-Radikalisierung
| 2020
Sold, Manjana (2020): Online-Radikalisierung, Begleitmaterialien Reflect Your Past.
Zur Publikation - (Un)making global inequalities: International institutions in a stratified international society
| 2020
Fehl, Caroline; Freistein, Katja (2020): (Un)making global inequalities: International institutions in a stratified international society, Journal of International Relations and Development. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-020-00190-z - Taking Intervention Politics Seriously
| 2020
Witt, Antonia; Schnabel, Simone (2020): Taking Intervention Politics Seriously Media Debates and the Contestation of African Regional Interventions ‘from Below’, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 14: 2, 271-288. DOI: 10.1080/17502977.2020.1736415 - Ab in den Süden. Herausforderungen der Feldforschung im globalen Süden
| 2020
Ruppel, Samantha; Sander, Alena (2020): Ab in den Süden. Herausforderungen der Feldforschung im globalen Süden, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 30: 1, 141–160.
Zur Publikation - Recognition of the Armenian Genocide after its Centenary: A Comparative Analysis of Changing Parliamentary Positions
| 2020
Ben Aharon, Eldad (2020): Recognition of the Armenian Genocide after its Centenary: A Comparative Analysis of Changing Parliamentary Positions, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/23739770.2019.1737911 - Sudan's Prospects For Democratization
| 2020
Friesinger, Julian; Schwarz, Matthias (2020): Sudan's Prospects For Democratization, Heidelberg Conflict Barometer, 2019, 30–33.
Zur Publikation - Organising Global Stratification: How International Organisations (Re)Produce Inequalities in International Society
| 2020
Fehl, Caroline; Freistein, Katja (2020): Organising Global Stratification: How International Organisations (Re)Produce Inequalities in International Society, Global Society, 34: 3, 285–303. DOI: 10.1080/13600826.2020.1739627 - El posacuerdo llegó con violencia a Tumaco
| 2020
Salas Salazar, Luis Gabriel; Wolff, Jonas (2020): El posacuerdo llegó con violencia a Tumaco, UN Periódico, 224, 6–7.
Zur Publikation - Ein Haus für unser Jahrhundert
| 2020
Brockmeier, Sarah (2020): Ein Haus für unser Jahrhundert, Internationale Politik, 2, 106–111.
Zur Publikation - Frieden hat Partner im BMVg
| 2020
Baumgart-Ochse, Claudia (2020): Frieden hat Partner im BMVg, Zur Sache BW, 36, 38–39.
Zur Publikation - Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre virtuellen Feinde. Über digitalen Faschismus
| 2020
Fielitz, Maik; Marcks, Holger (2020): Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre virtuellen Feinde. Über digitalen Faschismus, Berliner Debatte Initial, 31: 1, 124–135. - The Gambia’s draft Constitution reflects citizens’ preference for term limits, gender quota
| 2020
Isbell, Thomas; Jaw, Sait Matty (2020): The Gambia’s draft Constitution reflects citizens’ preference for term limits, gender quota, Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 338.
Zur Publikation - Unemployed mobilisation in times of Democratisation
| 2020
Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2020): Unemployed mobilisation in times of Democratisation The Union of Unemployed Graduates in post-Ben Ali Tunisia, The Journal of North African Studies, 25: 1, 53-75. DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2018.1535317 - Doing Oral History with the Israeli Elite and the Question of Methodology in International Relations Research
| 2020
Ben Aharon, Eldad (2020): Doing Oral History with the Israeli Elite and the Question of Methodology in International Relations Research, The Oral History Review, 47: 1, 1–23. DOI: 10.1080/00940798.2019.1702467 - A Technical Forum for Confidence-Building in the Autonomous Weapons Realm
| 2020
Göttsche, Malte (2020): A Technical Forum for Confidence-Building in the Autonomous Weapons Realm, International Security Forum Bonn 2019, Bonn: Universität Bonn, 60-61. - Sicherheit durch Verifikation
| 2020
Hebel, Simon; Göttsche, Malte; Englert, Matthias; Wittel, Madalina (2020): Sicherheit durch Verifikation Wie ließe sich nukleare Abrüstung in Nordkorea überprüfen?, 19: 7, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 28-34.
Zur Publikation - News from the Member States: Austria, Measures in Response to the Covid-19 Crisis: An Update
| 2020
Haslinger, Birgit; Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth (2020): News from the Member States: Austria, Measures in Response to the Covid-19 Crisis: An Update, Europen State Aid Law Quarterly, 19: 3, 384–388. DOI: 10.21552/estal/2020/3/17 - Ein Lieferkettengesetz für Deutschland zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte – eine Ersteinschätzung aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht
| 2020
Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth (2020): Ein Lieferkettengesetz für Deutschland zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte – eine Ersteinschätzung aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht, Archiv des Völkerrechts, 58: 4, 400–423. DOI: 10.1628/avr-2020-0027 - News from the Member States: Austria, Agricultural Subsidies and Sars-CoV 2
| 2020
Haslinger, Birgit; Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth (2020): News from the Member States: Austria, Agricultural Subsidies and Sars-CoV 2, European State Aid Law Quarterly, 19: 1, 74–78. DOI: 10.21552/estal/2020/1/13 - Dossier: Histoire du droit international
| 2020
Cahen, Raphaël (2020): Dossier: Histoire du droit international, in: Raphaël Cahen, Frederik Dhondt et Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina (eds), Revue électronique d’histoire du droit, 18: Clio@Themis.
Zur Publikation - Preditores e impactos da legitimidade policial: testando a teoria da justeza procedimental em São Paulo
| 2020
Natal, Ariadne; Oliveira, Thiago R.; Zanetic, André (2020): Preditores e impactos da legitimidade policial: testando a teoria da justeza procedimental em São Paulo, DADOS - Revista de Ciências Sociais: 63, 1-40. - Rechtsruck? Plädoyer für eine differenzierte Betrachtung des Problems
| 2020
Zschocke, Paul (2020): Rechtsruck? Plädoyer für eine differenzierte Betrachtung des Problems, in: Engagierte Wissenschaft e.V. (eds), Leipziger Zustände. - Once Upon a Time. Western Genres and Narrative Constructions of a Romantic Jihad
| 2019
Pfeifer, Hanna; Spencer, Alexander (2019): Once Upon a Time. Western Genres and Narrative Constructions of a Romantic Jihad, Journal of Language and Politics, 18: 1, 21–39. DOI: 10.1075/jlp.18005.spe - The Normative Power of Secularism. Tunisian Ennahda’s Discourse on Religion, Politics, and the State (2011-2016)
| 2019
Pfeifer, Hanna (2019): The Normative Power of Secularism. Tunisian Ennahda’s Discourse on Religion, Politics, and the State (2011-2016), Politics and Religion, 12: 3, 478–500. DOI: 10.1017/S1755048319000075 - The Korean Peace Process: A Regional Solution?
| 2019
Abb, Pascal (2019): The Korean Peace Process: A Regional Solution?, ASPR Policy Brief 1/2019.
Zur Publikation - Police Use of Deadly Force in the Philippines
| 2019
Kreuzer, Peter (2019): Police Use of Deadly Force in the Philippines Comparing Levels and Patterns Before and Since Duterte, Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 12: 2, 149–166. DOI: 10.14764/10.ASEAS-0019 - Dissoziation als Friedensstrategie?
| 2019
Dembinski, Matthias; Peters, Dirk (2019): Dissoziation als Friedensstrategie? Konturen eines Forschungsprogramms, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 26: 2, 89–105. DOI: 10.5771/0946-7165-2019-2-88 - The political economy of post-neoliberalism in Bolivia. Economic policies, economic elites, and the MAS government
| 2019
Wolff, Jonas (2019): The political economy of post-neoliberalism in Bolivia. Economic policies, economic elites, and the MAS government, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 108, 109–129. DOI: 10.32992/erlacs.10468 - Russland in der neuen Weltunordnung. Großmacht ohne strategisch durchdachte Antwort
| 2019
Schoch, Bruno (2019): Russland in der neuen Weltunordnung. Großmacht ohne strategisch durchdachte Antwort, Außerschulische Bildung. Zeitschrift der politischen Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung, 2019: 4, 23–27.
Zur Publikation - “Yes, I can”: what is the role of perceived self-efficacy in violent online-radicalisation processes of “homegrown” terrorists?
| 2019
Schlegel, Linda (2019): “Yes, I can”: what is the role of perceived self-efficacy in violent online-radicalisation processes of “homegrown” terrorists?, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 13: 3. DOI: 10.1080/17467586.2019.1700539 - Conjugated porous polymer based on BOPHY dyes as photocatalyst under visible light
| 2019
G. López-Calixto, Carmen; Cabrera, Silvia; Pérez-Ruiz, Raúl; Barawi, Mariam; Alemán, José; de la Peña O’Shea, Víctor A.; Liras, Marta (2019): Conjugated porous polymer based on BOPHY dyes as photocatalyst under visible light, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 258. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.117933
Zur Publikation - The Complicated Quest for Truth, Reconciliation and Justice in The Gambia
| 2019
Jaw, Sait Matty (2019): The Complicated Quest for Truth, Reconciliation and Justice in The Gambia, West Africa Insights, 6: 4, 14–18.
Zur Publikation - Wehrlos gegen Salafismus im Netz?
| 2019
Sold, Manjana; Abay Gaspar, Hande (2019): Wehrlos gegen Salafismus im Netz? Chancen und Grenzen von Gegennarrativen, BEHEMOTH - A Journal on Civilisation, 12: 2, 35–48. DOI: - Reconstructing Reactor Histories from Reprocessing Waste
| 2019
Figueroa, Antonio; Göttsche, Malte (2019): Reconstructing Reactor Histories from Reprocessing Waste, ESARDA Bulletin - The International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-proliferation: 59, 39–46. DOI: 10.3011/ESARDA.IJNSNP.2019.13 - Beyond the Tracks? Reflections on Multitrack Approaches to Peace Processes
| 2019
Palmiano Federer, Julia; Pickhardt, Julia; Lustenberger, Philipp; Altpeter, Christian; Abatis, Katrina (2019): Beyond the Tracks? Reflections on Multitrack Approaches to Peace Processes, Swisspeace.
Zur Publikation - Could International Fact-Finding Missions possibly render a case inadmissible for the ICC?
| 2019
de Vries, Barry (2019): Could International Fact-Finding Missions possibly render a case inadmissible for the ICC? Remarks on the ongoing attempts to include international criminal law in fact-finding., Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 24: 3, 593–616. DOI: 10.1093/jcsl/krz028 - Photographic Complementarity, and the Story of Abel Pavon
| 2019
Kurzwelly, Jonatan (2019): Photographic Complementarity, and the Story of Abel Pavon, Visual Anthropology, 32: 5, 460–475. DOI: 10.1080/08949468.2019.1671752 - Bombs, Trials, and Rights: Norm Complexity and the Evolution of Liberal Intervention Practices
| 2019
Fehl, Caroline (2019): Bombs, Trials, and Rights: Norm Complexity and the Evolution of Liberal Intervention Practices, Human Rights Quarterly, 41: 4, 893–915. DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2019.0066 - Urban conditions for the rise of the far right in the global city of Frankfurt. From austerity urbanism, post-democracy and gentrification to regressive collectivity
| 2019
Mullis, Daniel (2019): Urban conditions for the rise of the far right in the global city of Frankfurt. From austerity urbanism, post-democracy and gentrification to regressive collectivity, Urban Studies, 58: 1. DOI: 10.1177/0042098019878395 - Von Bahr lernen? Anregungen für eine neue Russlandpolitik
| 2019
Dembinski, Matthias; Rogova, Vera (2019): Von Bahr lernen? Anregungen für eine neue Russlandpolitik, Sicherheit und Frieden, 37: 3, 124–128. DOI: 10.5771/0175-274X-2019-3-124 - Radikalismus und Extremismus als konträre Rationalitäten. Eine Radikalisierung des Radikalisierungsbegriffs
| 2019
Marcks, Holger (2019): Radikalismus und Extremismus als konträre Rationalitäten. Eine Radikalisierung des Radikalisierungsbegriffs, Behemoth – A Journal on Civilisation, 12: 2, 24-34. - The “Refugee crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism
| 2019
Stockemer, Daniel; Niemann, Arne; Speyer, Johanna; Unger, Doris (2019): The “Refugee crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism, International Migration Review, 54: 3, 883‒912. DOI: 10.1177/0197918319879926 - Die Flucht ins Postfaktische
| 2019
Christian, Ben (2019): Die Flucht ins Postfaktische Von der Selbst-Verleugnung zur Welt-Verleugnung, Soziologiemagazin, 12: 2, 19–31.
Zur Publikation - Leaders or "Guides" of Public Opinion? The Media Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Experts
| 2019
Abb, Pascal (2019): Leaders or "Guides" of Public Opinion? The Media Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Experts, Modern China.
Zur Publikation - Towards violent peace?
| 2019
Wolff, Jonas; Salas Salazar, Luis Gabriel; Camelo, Fabián Eduardo (2019): Towards violent peace? Territorial dynamics of violence in Tumaco (Colombia) before and after the demobilisation of the FARC-EP, Conflict, Security & Development, 19: 5, 497–520. DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2019.1661594 - Las Farianas: Reintegration of former female FARC fighters as a driver for peace in Colombia
| 2019
Barrios Sabogal, Laura Camila; Richter, Solveig (2019): Las Farianas: Reintegration of former female FARC fighters as a driver for peace in Colombia, Cuadernos de Economía, 38: 78, 753–784. DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v38n78.73540 - Does peacekeeping only work in easy environments?
| 2019
Gromes, Thorsten (2019): Does peacekeeping only work in easy environments? An analysis of conflict characteristics, mission profiles, and civil war recurrence, Contemporary Security Policy, 40: 4, 459–480. DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2019.1659575 - Humanitarian Military Interventions: Conceptual Controversies and Their Consequences for Comparative Research
| 2019
Dembinski, Matthias; Gromes, Thorsten; Werner, Theresa (2019): Humanitarian Military Interventions: Conceptual Controversies and Their Consequences for Comparative Research, International Peacekeeping. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2019.1659733 - Rechtsextremismus und religiös begründeter Extremismus
| 2019
Abay Gaspar, Hande (2019): Rechtsextremismus und religiös begründeter Extremismus, Begleitmaterialien Reflect Your Past.
Zur Publikation - Abgrenzung von Extremismus, Radikalismus und Radikalisierung
| 2019
Abay Gaspar, Hande (2019): Abgrenzung von Extremismus, Radikalismus und Radikalisierung, Begleitmaterialien Reflect Your Past.
Zur Publikation - Feminist Foreign Policy: a Fine Line Between “Adding Women” and Pursuing a Feminist Agenda
| 2019
Kumskova, Marina; Scheyer, Victoria (2019): Feminist Foreign Policy: a Fine Line Between “Adding Women” and Pursuing a Feminist Agenda, Journal of International Affairs, 72: 2, 57-76. - Die Ambivalenz des Zwangs für den Frieden: Zur Aktualität des neues Forschungsprogramms der HSFK
| 2019
Peez, Anton; Witt, Antonia; Wolff, Jonas (2019): Die Ambivalenz des Zwangs für den Frieden: Zur Aktualität des neues Forschungsprogramms der HSFK Eine Replik auf Andreas Nölke, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 8: 1, 141–149. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-019-00010-3 - How Can We Criticize International Practices?
| 2019
Schindler, Sebastian; Wille, Tobias (2019): How Can We Criticize International Practices?, International Studies Quarterly, 63: 1, 1014–1024. - Charmeoffensiven
| 2019
Gorwa, Robert; Peez, Anton (2019): Charmeoffensiven Ist das schon Außenpolitik, was die großen Technologiekonzerne betreiben?, Internationale Politik, 74: 4, 25-29. - Review: Chris Miller, Putinomics. Power and Money in Resurgent Russia
| 2019
Rogova, Vera (2019): Review: Chris Miller, Putinomics. Power and Money in Resurgent Russia, Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 5: 1, 224-226. - Practices and Outcomes of Humanitarian Military Interventions
| 2019
Gromes, Thorsten; Dembinski, Matthias (2019): Practices and Outcomes of Humanitarian Military Interventions A New Data Set, International Interactions. - Where Regional Norms Matter
| 2019
Witt, Antonia (2019): Where Regional Norms Matter Contestation and the Domestic Impact of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, Africa Spectrum, 54: 2, 106–126.
Zur Publikation - Non-violent resistance and the quality of democracy
| 2019
Bethke, Felix S.; Pinckney, Jonathan (2019): Non-violent resistance and the quality of democracy, Conflict Management and Peace Science, 1-21. DOI: 10.1177/0738894219855918 - Wirtschaftsexpertise in Russland
| 2019
Rogova, Vera (2019): Wirtschaftsexpertise in Russland, Russland-Analysen Nr. 372.
Zur Publikation - Verifikation nuklearer Abrüstung: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Grenzen der Kernwaffenauthentifizierung
| 2019
Göttsche, Malte; Postelt, Friederike; Kirchner, Gerald (2019): Verifikation nuklearer Abrüstung: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Grenzen der Kernwaffenauthentifizierung, Forschung DSF, 46: Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung, 1–44.
Zur Publikation - Countering the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Options for Supporting International Norms and Institutions
| 2019
Becker-Jakob, Una (2019): Countering the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Options for Supporting International Norms and Institutions, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, 63.
Zur Publikation - Book review. Greg L. Warchol. Exploiting the Wilderness. An Analysis of Wildlife Crime
| 2019
Peez, Anton (2019): Book review. Greg L. Warchol. Exploiting the Wilderness. An Analysis of Wildlife Crime, African Studies Quarterly, 18: 3, 30–32. - Chaotische Normalität: Reden mit Rechten hilft – manchmal auch nicht
| 2019
Mullis, Daniel (2019): Chaotische Normalität: Reden mit Rechten hilft – manchmal auch nicht Kommentar zu Robert Feustels „Substanz und Supplement. Mit Rechten reden, zu Rechten forschen?, sub/urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 7: 1, 173-178. - Beyond contestation
| 2019
Poppe, Annika Elena; Leininger, Julia; Wolff, Jonas (2019): Beyond contestation Conceptualizing negotiation in democracy promotion, Democratization, 26: 5, 777-795. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2019.1568991 - Introduction. Negotiating the Promotion of Democracy
| 2019
Poppe, Annika Elena; Leininger, Julia; Wolff, Jonas (2019): Introduction. Negotiating the Promotion of Democracy, Democratization, 26: 5, 759-776. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2019.1593379 - Being German, Paraguayan and Germanino: Exploring the Relation Between Social and Personal Identity
| 2019
Kurzwelly, Jonatan (2019): Being German, Paraguayan and Germanino: Exploring the Relation Between Social and Personal Identity, Identity, 19: 2, 144–156. DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2019.1604348 - Israel's Foreign Policy and the Armenian Genocide
| 2019
Ben Aharon, Eldad (2019): Israel's Foreign Policy and the Armenian Genocide (Hebrew), Mitvim: The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, 1–15.
Zur Publikation - Buchbesprechung - Paul Scharre: Army of None
| 2019
Schörnig, Niklas (2019): Buchbesprechung - Paul Scharre: Army of None, SIRIUS – Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen, 3: 1, 107–108. DOI: 10.1515/sirius-2019-1029 - Representation and Agency in Diplomacy: How Kosovo Came to Agree to the Rambouillet Accords
| 2019
Wille, Tobias (2019): Representation and Agency in Diplomacy: How Kosovo Came to Agree to the Rambouillet Accords, Journal of International Relations and Development, 22: 4, 808–831. - „Frankreich befindet sich im Krieg“ – Und Deutschland?
| 2019
Scheu, Lea Deborah; Vestweber, Caroline (2019): „Frankreich befindet sich im Krieg“ – Und Deutschland?, Soziologiemagazin, Sonderheft 4, München, 91–116.
Zur Publikation - The Absence of Norm Modification and the Intensification of Norm Contestation: Africa and the Responsibility to Prosecute
| 2019
Arcudi, Antonio (2019): The Absence of Norm Modification and the Intensification of Norm Contestation: Africa and the Responsibility to Prosecute, Global Responsibility to Protect, 11: 2, 172-197.
Zur Publikation - Is the R2P Failing? The Controversy about Norm Justification and Norm Application of the Responsibility to Protect
| 2019
Deitelhoff, Nicole (2019): Is the R2P Failing? The Controversy about Norm Justification and Norm Application of the Responsibility to Protect, Global Responsibility to Protect, 11: 2, 149-171.
Zur Publikation - Studentische Lerneffekte in Simulationen der Vereinten Nationen
| 2019
Leib, Julia; Ruppel, Samantha (2019): Studentische Lerneffekte in Simulationen der Vereinten Nationen, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 8: 1, 99–111.
Zur Publikation - The Power of Justice. How Procedural Justice Concerns Affect the Legitimacy of International Institutions
| 2019
Dembinski, Matthias; Peters, Dirk (2019): The Power of Justice. How Procedural Justice Concerns Affect the Legitimacy of International Institutions, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 25: 1, 149-170.
Zur Publikation - Dispensing with the Indispensable Nation? Multilateralism minus One in the Trump Era
| 2019
Fehl, Caroline; Thimm, Johannes (2019): Dispensing with the Indispensable Nation? Multilateralism minus One in the Trump Era, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 25: 1, 23-46.
Zur Publikation - Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung im Umbruch
| 2019
Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2019): Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung im Umbruch, Kompass, 4: 3, 6–8.
Zur Publikation - The Hong Kong Protests: A Hybrid Governance Failure
| 2019
Abb, Pascal (2019): The Hong Kong Protests: A Hybrid Governance Failure, ASPR Policy Brief 2/2019.
Zur Publikation - Harmony and Resilience
| 2019
Poppe, Annika Elena (2019): Harmony and Resilience US Democracy Promotion's Basic Premises, Foreign Policy Analysis, 15: 4, 530–547. DOI: