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Gesuchte Kategorie: Journal-Artikel

  • Beyond formal powers: Understanding the African Union's authority on the ground
    | 2022
    Witt, Antonia (2022): Beyond formal powers: Understanding the African Union's authority on the ground, Review of International Studies, 48: 4, 626–645. DOI: 10.1017/S0260210522000067
  • Sprecht mit ihnen
    | 2022
    Brockmeier, Sarah (2022): Sprecht mit ihnen, Internationale Politik Special: Pott und die Welt, 3, 30–33.
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  • A necessary step back? Recovering the security perspective in the debate on lethal autonomy
    | 2022
    Alwardt, Christian; Schörnig, Niklas (2022): A necessary step back? Recovering the security perspective in the debate on lethal autonomy, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Special Issue “Crisis of Arms Control”, Special Issue Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Journal for Peace and Conflict Studies), 10, 295–317. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-021-00067-z
  • Assessing Uncertainty in Plutonium Production Estimates Based on the Isotope Ratio Method
    | 2022
    Jung, Benjamin; Göttsche, Malte (2022): Assessing Uncertainty in Plutonium Production Estimates Based on the Isotope Ratio Method, Science & Global Security, 30: 1, 3–21. DOI: 10.1080/08929882.2022.2060599
  • Against the Masters of War: The Overlooked Functions of Conflict Litigation by International Courts
    | 2022
    Steininger, Silvia; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2022): Against the Masters of War: The Overlooked Functions of Conflict Litigation by International Courts, Duke Journal of Law and Contemporary Problems, 84: 4, 95–122.
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  • A threat rather than a resource: why voicing internal criticism is difficult in international organisations
    | 2022
    Christian, Ben (2022): A threat rather than a resource: why voicing internal criticism is difficult in international organisations, Journal of International Relations and Development, 25: 2, 425-449. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-021-00244-w
  • The global nuclear order and the crisis of the nuclear non-proliferation regime: Taking stock and moving forward
    | 2022
    Baldus, Jana; Müller, Harald; Wunderlich, Carmen (2022): The global nuclear order and the crisis of the nuclear non-proliferation regime: Taking stock and moving forward, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Special Issue “Crisis of Arms Control”. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-021-00066-0
  • Now and Never: Banning Hydrocarbon Extraction in Antarctica Forever
    | 2022
    Flamm, Patrick; Hemmings, Alan D. (2022): Now and Never: Banning Hydrocarbon Extraction in Antarctica Forever, Giga Focus Global, 2022: 1. DOI: 10.57671/gfgl-22012
  • Das Scheitern der VN-Expertengespräche zu Autonomen Waffensystemen
    | 2022
    Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth; Vohs, Vanessa; Köhler, Paula (2022): Das Scheitern der VN-Expertengespräche zu Autonomen Waffensystemen, SWP Aktuell, 36, 1–8. DOI: 10.18449/2022A36
  • The Russia-Ukraine War as a Factor of Germany Foreign and Security Policies' Transformation
    | 2022
    Podvorna, Olena (2022): The Russia-Ukraine War as a Factor of Germany Foreign and Security Policies' Transformation, Modern Historical and Political Issues: Journal in Historical & Political Sciences, 46: Chernivtsi National University, 22-34. DOI: 10.31861/mhpi2022.46.22-34
  • Pluralistic Peace: New Perspectives for the OSCE?
    | 2022
    Dembinski, Matthias; Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2022): Pluralistic Peace: New Perspectives for the OSCE?, OSCE Insights, 2021: 9, 173–183. DOI: 10.5771/9783748911456-09
  • The Use of Non-verbal Displays in Framing COVID-19 Disinformation in Europe: An Exploratory Account
    | 2022
    Dumitrescu, D.; Trpkovic, Mina (2022): The Use of Non-verbal Displays in Framing COVID-19 Disinformation in Europe: An Exploratory Account, Frontiers in Psychology, 13. DOI:
  • Escalate or Negotiate? Constraint and Rebel Strategic Choices Towards Rivals in the Syrian Civil War
    | 2021
    Schwab, Regine (2021): Escalate or Negotiate? Constraint and Rebel Strategic Choices Towards Rivals in the Syrian Civil War, Terrorism and Political Violence, 1–20. DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2021.1998007
  • Soziale Medien und nichtstaatliche Gewaltakteur*innen
    | 2021
    Abay Gaspar, Hande; Sold, Manjana (2021): Soziale Medien und nichtstaatliche Gewaltakteur*innen, ZIB Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 28: 2, 167–180. DOI: 10.5771/0946-7165-2021-2-167
  • Beyond Healthy Skepticism: Exploring German News Media Framing of Terrorism-Affiliated Women Returnees
    | 2021
    Rahlf, Lotta (2021): Beyond Healthy Skepticism: Exploring German News Media Framing of Terrorism-Affiliated Women Returnees, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism: Routledge.
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  • Notwendige "Heuchelei"
    | 2021
    Christian, Ben (2021): Notwendige "Heuchelei", VEREINTE NATIONEN, 2021: 6, 267–271.
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  • Preventing Civil War Recurrence: Do Military Victories Really Perform Better than Peace Agreements? Causal Claim and Underpinning Assumptions Revisited
    | 2021
    Gromes, Thorsten; Ranft, Florian (2021): Preventing Civil War Recurrence: Do Military Victories Really Perform Better than Peace Agreements? Causal Claim and Underpinning Assumptions Revisited, Civil Wars. DOI: 10.1080/13698249.2022.2004043
  • Russia’s Dissociation from the Paris Charter-Based Order
    | 2021
    Polianskii, Mikhail (2021): Russia’s Dissociation from the Paris Charter-Based Order, Russia in Global Affairs, 76: 4, 36–58.
    Zur Publikation
  • Peripheries, politics, centralities: geographies of COVID-19
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel (2021): Peripheries, politics, centralities: geographies of COVID-19 Reflections from a German perspective on and beyond Biglieri et al, Cities and Health. DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2021.1964909
  • E-Government and Democracy in Botswana: Observational and Experimental Evidence on the Effect of E-Government Usage on Political Attitudes
    | 2021
    Bante, Jana; Helmig, Felix; Prasad, Lara; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Seipel, Jean Christoph; Senkpiel, Helge; Geray, Markus; von Schiller, Armin; Sebudubudu, David; Ziaja, Sebastian (2021): E-Government and Democracy in Botswana: Observational and Experimental Evidence on the Effect of E-Government Usage on Political Attitudes, Discussion Paper / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn. DOI: 10.23661/dp16.2021
  • Fear and Legitimacy in São Paulo, Brazil. Police-Citizen Relations in a High Violence, High Fear City
    | 2021
    Natal, Ariadne; Jackson, Jonathan; Pósch, Krisztián; Oliveira, Thiago R. (2021): Fear and Legitimacy in São Paulo, Brazil. Police-Citizen Relations in a High Violence, High Fear City, SocArXiv.
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  • Coping with the Unknown. Introduction
    | 2021
    Mannitz, Sabine; Thompson, James (2021): Coping with the Unknown. Introduction, Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 13: 3, 1–4.
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  • An Equivalent to Art. 8(2)(b)(xx) ICC Statute for Non-International Armed Conflicts? Is it Warranted on the Basis of International Customary Law?
    | 2021
    de Vries, Barry (2021): An Equivalent to Art. 8(2)(b)(xx) ICC Statute for Non-International Armed Conflicts? Is it Warranted on the Basis of International Customary Law?, International Criminal Law Review, 21: 3, 561–587.
  • Towards a Cyber Weapons Assessment Model – Assessment of the Technical Features of Malicious Software
    | 2021
    Reinhold, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2021): Towards a Cyber Weapons Assessment Model – Assessment of the Technical Features of Malicious Software, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 3: 3, 226–239. DOI: 10.1109/TTS.2021.3131817
  • Multiplicity, Hybridity and Normativity: Disputes about the UN Convention against Corruption in Germany
    | 2021
    Lesch, Max (2021): Multiplicity, Hybridity and Normativity: Disputes about the UN Convention against Corruption in Germany, International Relations, 35: 4, 613-633. DOI: 10.1177/0047117820965662
  • Legitimidade e obediência. Diálogos da criminologia com a teoria sociológica
    | 2021
    Natal, Ariadne; Castelo Branco, Frederico; Alvarez, Marcos (2021): Legitimidade e obediência. Diálogos da criminologia com a teoria sociológica, Tempo Social, 3: 33, 147–166. DOI: 10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2021.190229
  • Gefahr aus dem Labor? Zum Umgang mit sicherheitsrelevanter biologischer Forschung
    | 2021
    Jakob, Una (2021): Gefahr aus dem Labor? Zum Umgang mit sicherheitsrelevanter biologischer Forschung, Forschung Frankfurt, 1: 2021, 11–15.
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  • Rechtsextremismusforschung in der deutschsprachigen Humangeographie
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel; Miggelbrink, Judith (2021): Rechtsextremismusforschung in der deutschsprachigen Humangeographie, Geographische Zeitschrift, 109: 4, 184–207. DOI: 10.25162/gz-2021-0016
  • Blazing Hate into the World: Psychological Case Study of a Fame-Seeking Rampage Shooter
    | 2021
    Allwinn, Mirko; Tultschinetski, Sina; Görgen, Thomas (2021): Blazing Hate into the World: Psychological Case Study of a Fame-Seeking Rampage Shooter, Violence and Gender. DOI: 10.1089/vio.2021.0037
  • The “War on Terror” and Public Diplomacy during the Cold War: Israeli–Turkish Relations and the 1980 Military Coup
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): The “War on Terror” and Public Diplomacy during the Cold War: Israeli–Turkish Relations and the 1980 Military Coup, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.1997134
  • Widespread and interrelated gray matter reductions in child sexual offenders with and without pedophilia: Evidence from a multivariate structural MRI study
    | 2021
    Klöckner, Mona; Jordan, Kirsten; Kiehl, Kent A.; Nyalakanti, Prashanth K.; Harenski, Carla L.; Müller, Jürgen L. (2021): Widespread and interrelated gray matter reductions in child sexual offenders with and without pedophilia: Evidence from a multivariate structural MRI study, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 75: 11, 331–340. DOI: 10.1111/pcn.13292
  • Contestation and norm change in whale and elephant conservation: Non-use or sustainable use?
    | 2021
    Peez, Anton; Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2021): Contestation and norm change in whale and elephant conservation: Non-use or sustainable use?, Cooperation and Conflict. DOI: 10.1177/00108367211047138
  • Colour hallucination: In defence of externalist representationalism
    | 2021
    Waczek, Elisabeth; Barz, Wolfgang (2021): Colour hallucination: In defence of externalist representationalism, Analysis, 82: 1, 3-7. DOI: 10.1093/analys/anab046
  • An den Grenzen Europas. Fürsorgliche Solidarität als aktivistische Praxis.
    | 2021
    Stühlen, Christin; Behrends, Jasmin; Reinhardt, Darius (2021): An den Grenzen Europas. Fürsorgliche Solidarität als aktivistische Praxis., Who Cares. Engagée journal , 1: 10, 64–69.
  • Deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik vor dem BVerwG: extraterritoriale grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten bei US amerikanischen Drohneneinsätzen
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo; Mengeler, Daniel; Strobel, Vera (2021): Deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik vor dem BVerwG: extraterritoriale grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten bei US amerikanischen Drohneneinsätzen Zugleich Besprechung von BVerwG, Urteil vom 25. November 2020 - 6 C 7.19, Archiv des Völkerrechts, 59: 3, 328–351. DOI: 10.1628/avr-2021-0018
  • Connecting, Competing, and Trolling: "User Types" in Digital Gamified Radicalization Processes
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): Connecting, Competing, and Trolling: "User Types" in Digital Gamified Radicalization Processes, Perspectives on Terrorism, 15: 4, 54-64.
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  • Völkermord an Herero und Nama: Für Versöhnung braucht es viele
    | 2021
    Mannitz, Sabine (2021): Völkermord an Herero und Nama: Für Versöhnung braucht es viele, Chrismon plus, September 2021, 10.
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  • Populist Radical Right Parties and the Securitisation of Asylum Policy
    | 2021
    Hirschler, Helena (2021): Populist Radical Right Parties and the Securitisation of Asylum Policy, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 20: 1, 104–143.
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  • Defending Civic Space: Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws in Kenya and Kyrgyzstan
    | 2021
    Berger-Kern, Nora; Hetz, Fabian; Wagner, Rebecca; Wolff, Jonas (2021): Defending Civic Space: Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws in Kenya and Kyrgyzstan, Global Policy, Special Issue, Restricting NGOs: From Pushback to Accommodation, 84–94. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12976
  • COVID-19: The Making of Unsafe Places in Germany
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel (2021): COVID-19: The Making of Unsafe Places in Germany, Global Dialogue, 11: 2, 28-29.
  • Federal Supreme Court Decision Strengthens Calls for Renewed Arms Export Law in Germany
    | 2021
    Federal Supreme Court Decision Strengthens Calls for Renewed Arms Export Law in Germany, in: Pytlak, A. (eds), ATT Monitor, 14: 1, 9. DOI:
  • Sicherheit und Frieden? Ein Blick von außen
    | 2021
    Brock, Lothar (2021): Sicherheit und Frieden? Ein Blick von außen, Sicherheit und Frieden, 38: 4, 235-237.
  • Storytelling against extremism
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): Storytelling against extremism How fiction could increase the persuasive impact of counter- and alternative narratives in P/CVE, Journal for Deradicalization, 27.
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  • Antarctica’s Gateways and Gatekeepers: Polar scenarios in a polarising Anthropocene
    | 2021
    Frame, Bob; Yermakova, Yelena; Flamm, Patrick; Nicklin, Germana; De Paula, Gabriel; Badhe, Renuka; Tuñez, Francisco (2021): Antarctica’s Gateways and Gatekeepers: Polar scenarios in a polarising Anthropocene, The Anthropocene Review. DOI: 10.1177/20530196211026341
  • Peripherien und Zentralitäten: Geographien von Covid-19
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel (2021): Peripherien und Zentralitäten: Geographien von Covid-19 Überlegungen zu Roger Keils Beitrag zu der translokalen Vorlesungsreihe „Geographien von Covid-19“ sowie der aktuellen s u b \ u r b a n-Debatte zum „Ende des Städtischen“, sub\urban. Zeitschrift für Kritische Stadtforschung, 9: 3.
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  • „United and Stronger Together“
    | 2021
    Simon, Hendrik (2021): „United and Stronger Together“ Transnationale gewerkschaftliche Organisierung in multinationalen Konzernen am Beispiel der IG Metall-Netzwerkinitiative, Industrielle Beziehungen, 28: 2, 212–221.
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  • Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability
    | 2021
    Ruhe, Constantin; Volg, Iris (2021): Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability, Research & Politics, 8: 2. DOI: 10.1177/20531680211018368
  • The Dance of Peace and Justice: Local Perceptions of International Peacebuilding in West Africa
    | 2021
    Leib, Julia; Ruppel, Samantha (2021): The Dance of Peace and Justice: Local Perceptions of International Peacebuilding in West Africa, International Peacekeeping. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2021.1927726
  • Power Imbalances and Peace Building: A Participatory Approach between Local and International Actors
    | 2021
    Ruppel, Samantha (2021): Power Imbalances and Peace Building: A Participatory Approach between Local and International Actors, Africa Amani Journal, 8.
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  • Gaussian Processes for Surrogate Modeling of Discharged Fuel Nuclide Compositions
    | 2021
    Figueroa, Antonio; Göttsche, Malte (2021): Gaussian Processes for Surrogate Modeling of Discharged Fuel Nuclide Compositions, Annals of Nuclear Energy: 156, 1–18. DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2020.108085
  • Polarisierte Städte: Die AfD im urbanen Kontext. Eine Analyse von Wahl- und Sozialdaten in sechzehn deutschen Städten
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel; Geilen, Jan Lucas (2021): Polarisierte Städte: Die AfD im urbanen Kontext. Eine Analyse von Wahl- und Sozialdaten in sechzehn deutschen Städten, Geogr. Helv.: 76, 129-141.
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  • Akteneinsichten: Die deutsche Außenpolitik und der Völkermord in Ruanda
    | 2021
    Brockmeier, Sarah; Peez, Anton (2021): Akteneinsichten: Die deutsche Außenpolitik und der Völkermord in Ruanda, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Zeitgeschichte – E-Paper. DOI: 10.31235/
  • China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative
    | 2021
    Lesch, Max; Loh, Dylan (2021): China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative, Global Cooperation Research: A Quarterly Magazine, 3: 1, 19-22.
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  • Konflikt: Quelle oder Gefährung gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts?
    | 2021
    Deitelhoff, Nicole (2021): Konflikt: Quelle oder Gefährung gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts?, Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege: 2, 47-51.
  • Rule and resistance in global governance
    | 2021
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Daase, Christopher (2021): Rule and resistance in global governance, International Theory, 13: 1, 122–130. DOI: 10.1017/S1752971920000469
  • Russia and the West: Causes of Tensions and Strategies for their Mitigation
    | 2021
    Dembinski, Matthias; Polianskii, Mikhail (2021): Russia and the West: Causes of Tensions and Strategies for their Mitigation, Russia and the Contemporary World, 110: 1, 5-20.
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  • Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know
    | 2021
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know, ORIENT: 2, 14-19.
  • Prävention, Früherkennung, und dann?
    | 2021
    Kroll, Stefan (2021): Prävention, Früherkennung, und dann?, Vereinte Nationen: 1, 9-14. DOI: 10.35998/VN-2021-0002
  • Go local, go global: Studying popular protests in the MENA post-2011
    | 2021
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Go local, go global: Studying popular protests in the MENA post-2011, Mediterranean Politics, Online first.
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  • Keeping Your Enemies Close? The Variety of Social Movements' Reactions to International Organizations' Opening Up
    | 2021
    Anderl, Felix; Daphi, Priska; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2021): Keeping Your Enemies Close? The Variety of Social Movements' Reactions to International Organizations' Opening Up, International Studies Review. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viaa103
  • The Use of Fact-Finding within the Human Rights Council: Shaping Perceptiona.
    | 2021
    de Vries, Barry (2021): The Use of Fact-Finding within the Human Rights Council: Shaping Perceptiona., Journal of Human Rights Practice, 13: 3, 489–506. DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huab020
  • An unlikely partnership? New Zealand–South Korea bilateral cooperation and Antarctic order
    | 2021
    Flamm, Patrick (2021): An unlikely partnership? New Zealand–South Korea bilateral cooperation and Antarctic order, Polar Record, 57: 4. DOI: 10.1017/S0032247420000479
  • Amérique latine: qu’ont obtenu les mobilisations populaires?
    | 2021
    Wolff, Jonas (2021): Amérique latine: qu’ont obtenu les mobilisations populaires?, Alternatives Economiques, Hors-Série, 122, 44–45.
    Zur Publikation
  • Medo do crime: Mensurando o fenômeno e explorando seus preditores na cidade de São Paulo
    | 2021
    Zanetic, André; Mendes, Silvia M.; Bradford, Ben; Oliveira, Thiago R.; Pósch, Krisztián; Jackson, Jonathan; Natal, Ariadne (2021): Medo do crime: Mensurando o fenômeno e explorando seus preditores na cidade de São Paulo, Revista Opinião Pública.
  • Rechte Raumnahme. Wo die extreme Rechte den Normalzustand definiert, werden Grundrechte faktisch außer Kraft gesetzt.
    | 2021
    Zschocke, Paul (2021): Rechte Raumnahme. Wo die extreme Rechte den Normalzustand definiert, werden Grundrechte faktisch außer Kraft gesetzt., in: Engagierte Wissenschaft e.V. (eds), Leipziger Zustände.
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  • Überlegungen zur Militarisierung Künstlicher Intelligenz - Von Fallstricken, Grenzen und Problemen der Rüstungskontrolle
    | 2021
    Reinhold, Thomas (2021): Überlegungen zur Militarisierung Künstlicher Intelligenz - Von Fallstricken, Grenzen und Problemen der Rüstungskontrolle, Wissenschaft und Frieden - Dossier, 4: 93.
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  • 25 Years since CTBT: A Possible bridge between Nuclear Powers?
    | 2021
    Herrera Almela, Manuel; Singh, Shivani (2021): 25 Years since CTBT: A Possible bridge between Nuclear Powers?, Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies Madrid, 1–13.
  • Amoroso, Daniele: Autonomous Weapon Systems and International Law
    | 2021
    Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth (2021): Amoroso, Daniele: Autonomous Weapon Systems and International Law, Zeitschrift für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 81: 3, 873–878. DOI: 10.17104/0044-2348-2021-3
  • Defence and Security Cooperation amidst Institutional Disintegration: Does Brexit Divide the United Kingdom and Germany on Russia?
    | 2021
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2021): Defence and Security Cooperation amidst Institutional Disintegration: Does Brexit Divide the United Kingdom and Germany on Russia?, European Journal of International Security, 6: 1, 86–108.
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  • Bringing Climate Justice into the European Green Deal
    | 2021
    Mallach, Konstantin; Neubert, Susanne; Schaaf, Jonas (2021): Bringing Climate Justice into the European Green Deal Recommendations for new Energy Partnerships with Africa, SLE Briefing Paper Series, 2021: 1.
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  • Dissecting Deradicalization: Challenges for Theory and Practice in Germany
    | 2020
    Baaken, Till; Korn, Judy; Ruf, Maximilian; Walkenhorst, Dennis (2020): Dissecting Deradicalization: Challenges for Theory and Practice in Germany, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14. DOI: 10.4119/ijcv-3808
  • Beyond victimization: agency of former female FARC-EP combatants in Colombia
    | 2020
    Barrios Sabogal, Laura Camila (2020): Beyond victimization: agency of former female FARC-EP combatants in Colombia, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 10, 83–101. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-020-00054-w
  • Clientelism from the Client’s Perspective
    | 2020
    Pellicer, Miquel; Wegner, Eva; Bayer, Markus; Tischmeyer, Christian (2020): Clientelism from the Client’s Perspective A Meta-Analysis of Ethnographic Literature, Perspectives on Politics, 20: 3, 931–947. DOI: 10.1017/S153759272000420X
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  • Dürfen sie nicht oder wollen sie nicht? „Kritik von innen“ in staatlichen Entwicklungsorganisationen
    | 2020
    Christian, Ben (2020): Dürfen sie nicht oder wollen sie nicht? „Kritik von innen“ in staatlichen Entwicklungsorganisationen, ZIB Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 27: 2, 65-93.
    Zur Publikation
  • Belarus: Gefangen im russisch-deutsch-polnischen Dreieck
    | 2020
    Polianskii, Mikhail; Richter, Michael (2020): Belarus: Gefangen im russisch-deutsch-polnischen Dreieck, Welttrends, 12: 170, 9–15.
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  • Book Review: Post Putin. Succession, Stability, and Russia’s Future
    | 2020
    Polianskii, Mikhail (2020): Book Review: Post Putin. Succession, Stability, and Russia’s Future, Europe-Asia Studies, 72: 10, 1767–1768. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2020.1847879
  • Problematising the Global in Global IR
    | 2020
    Anderl, Felix; Witt, Antonia (2020): Problematising the Global in Global IR, Millennium, 49: 1, 32–57. DOI: 10.1177/0305829820971708
  • The Arctic policy of the United States of America under the Presidency of Donald Trump
    | 2020
    Podvorna, Olena (2020): The Arctic policy of the United States of America under the Presidency of Donald Trump, Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури, 12(2), 112-124. DOI: 10.15421/352041
  • What Do We Know about Radicalisation? Overview of the Structure and Key Findings of the Focus Section
    | 2020
    Junk, Julian; Süß, Clara-Auguste; Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2020): What Do We Know about Radicalisation? Overview of the Structure and Key Findings of the Focus Section, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14: 2, 1–5. DOI: 10.4119/ijcv-3875
  • Radicalization and Political Violence – Challenges of Conceptualizing and Researching Origins, Processes and Politics of Illiberal Beliefs
    | 2020
    Abay Gaspar, Hande; Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Junk, Julian; Sold, Manjana (2020): Radicalization and Political Violence – Challenges of Conceptualizing and Researching Origins, Processes and Politics of Illiberal Beliefs, International Journal for Conflict and Violence, 14: 2, 1–18. DOI: 10.4119/ijcv-3802
  • International Organisations and Global Stratification: Rethinking IR’s Cooperation Paradigm
    | 2020
    Fehl, Caroline; Freistein, Katja (2020): International Organisations and Global Stratification: Rethinking IR’s Cooperation Paradigm, E-International Relations.
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  • Exposing Flaws in the Logic(s) of Nuclear Deterrence as an International Security Strategy – A Feminist Postcolonial Perspective
    | 2020
    Scheyer, Victoria; Standke-Erdmann, Madita (2020): Exposing Flaws in the Logic(s) of Nuclear Deterrence as an International Security Strategy – A Feminist Postcolonial Perspective, Ethics and Armed Forces, 2020: 1, 25-31.
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  • Die Corona-Pandemie als Bedrohung zivilgesellschaftlicher Handlungsspielräume
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    Bethke, Felix S.; Wolff, Jonas (2020): Die Corona-Pandemie als Bedrohung zivilgesellschaftlicher Handlungsspielräume, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 33: 3, 671–676. DOI: 10.1515/fjsb-2020-0057
  • Die Covid-19-Pandemie: Schlaglicht auf das Spannungsfeld von Biowaffenkontrolle, Biosicherheit und globaler Gesundheit
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    Jakob, Una (2020): Die Covid-19-Pandemie: Schlaglicht auf das Spannungsfeld von Biowaffenkontrolle, Biosicherheit und globaler Gesundheit, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: 2. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-020-00039-9
  • Russlands Wende nach Osten. Kleine Schritte statt umfassende Neuorientierung
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    Hoppe, Sebastian; Rogova, Vera (2020): Russlands Wende nach Osten. Kleine Schritte statt umfassende Neuorientierung, Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-020-00813-w.
  • From "Peaceful Rise" to "Peacebuilder"? How Evolving Chinese Discourses and Self-Perceptions Impact Its Growing Influence in Conflict Societies (online first)
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    Abb, Pascal (2020): From "Peaceful Rise" to "Peacebuilder"? How Evolving Chinese Discourses and Self-Perceptions Impact Its Growing Influence in Conflict Societies (online first), Journal of Contemporary China.
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  • COVID-19 and shrinking civic spaces: patterns and consequences
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    Bethke, Felix S.; Wolff, Jonas (2020): COVID-19 and shrinking civic spaces: patterns and consequences, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 9: 2. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-020-00038-w
  • Nach Morales: Bolivianische Restauration?
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    Wolff, Jonas (2020): Nach Morales: Bolivianische Restauration?, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik: 10, 41–44.
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  • Responding to COVID-19 with 100 per cent Postal Voting: Local Elections in Bavaria, Germany
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    Wagner, Rebecca (2020): Responding to COVID-19 with 100 per cent Postal Voting: Local Elections in Bavaria, Germany, in: James, Toby S./Clark, Alistair/Asplund, Erik (eds), Electoral Management Network and International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
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  • Protest in Zeiten von Covid-19: Zwischen Versammlungsverbot und neuen Handlungsräumen
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    Mullis, Daniel (2020): Protest in Zeiten von Covid-19: Zwischen Versammlungsverbot und neuen Handlungsräumen, Forschungsjournal soziale Bewegungen, 33: 2, 528–543. DOI: 10.1515/fjsb-2020-0045
  • What’s in a name? Contestation and backlash against international norms and institutions
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    Deitelhoff, Nicole (2020): What’s in a name? Contestation and backlash against international norms and institutions, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. DOI: 10.1177/1369148120945906
  • The Turbulent End of an Era in Bolivia: Contested Elections, the Ouster of Evo Morales, and the Beginning of a Transition Towards an Uncertain Future
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    Wolff, Jonas (2020): The Turbulent End of an Era in Bolivia: Contested Elections, the Ouster of Evo Morales, and the Beginning of a Transition Towards an Uncertain Future, Revista de Ciencia Política, Ahead of Print, 1–24. DOI: 10.4067/S0718-090X2020005000105
  • Ein Schritt vor, zwei Schritte zurück?
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    Ferl, Anna-Katharina (2020): Ein Schritt vor, zwei Schritte zurück? Zum Stand der Genfer Gespräche, Wissenschaft und Frieden. Dossier, 90.
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  • From driver of change to marginalised actor
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    Abdalla, Nadine; Wolff, Jonas (2020): From driver of change to marginalised actor Organised labour in post-revolutionary Egypt from a comparative perspective, Journal of North African Studies, 25: 6, 918-938. DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2019.1644917
  • Politik und ihre Grenzen in Clausewitz' Denken über den Krieg
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    Wille, Tobias (2020): Politik und ihre Grenzen in Clausewitz' Denken über den Krieg, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 62, 45–67. DOI: 10.1007/s11615-020-00269-9
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    G. López-Calixto, Carmen; Barawi, Mariam; Gomez-Mendoza, Miguel; E. Oropeza, Freddy; Fresno, Fernando; Liras, Marta; de la Peña O'Shea, Víctor A. (2020): Hybrids based on BOPHY-Conjugated Porous Polymers as Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production: Insight into the Charge Transfer Pathway, ACS Catalysis, 10: 17, 9804–9812. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01346.
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  • Encountering, explaining and refuting essentialism
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    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Rapport, Nigel; Spiegel, Andrew D. (2020): Encountering, explaining and refuting essentialism, Anthropology Southern Africa, 43: 2, 65–81. DOI: 10.1080/23323256.2020.1780141
  • The allure of essentialism and extremist ideologies
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    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Fernana, Hamid; Ngum, Muhammad Elvis (2020): The allure of essentialism and extremist ideologies, Anthropology Southern Africa, 43: 2, 107–118. DOI: 10.1080/23323256.2020.1759435
  • A world transformed by climate justice
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    Standke-Erdmann, Madita; Viehoff, Alina (2020): A world transformed by climate justice, New Perspectives, 28: 3, 347–365. DOI: 10.1177/2336825X20935235
  • The war for the future
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    Forsythe, Sam; Rößing, Anna (2020): The war for the future, New Perspectives. DOI: 10.1177/2336825X20935234