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Gesuchte Kategorie: Journal-Artikel

  • Conflictividad, (des)confianza y pluralismo jurídico en la región andina
    | 2023
    Wolff, Jonas (2023): Conflictividad, (des)confianza y pluralismo jurídico en la región andina, Andares: Revista en Derechos Humanos y de la Naturaleza, 2: 3, 26–36. DOI: 10.32719/29536782.2023.1.3
  • Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Mission
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max (2023): Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Mission, International Studies Review, 25: 3, 1–27. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viad034
  • Social Integration Through Conflict: Mechanisms and Challenges in Pluralist Democracies
    | 2023
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Schmelzle, Cord (2023): Social Integration Through Conflict: Mechanisms and Challenges in Pluralist Democracies, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. DOI: 10.1007/s11577-023-00886-3
  • Forging an African Union Identity: The Power of Experience
    | 2023
    Witt, Antonia (2023): Forging an African Union Identity: The Power of Experience, Global Studies Quarterly, 3: 3, 1–12. DOI: 10.1093/isagsq/ksad052
  • From Norm Violations to Norm Development: Deviance, International Institutions, and the Torture Prohibition.
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max (2023): From Norm Violations to Norm Development: Deviance, International Institutions, and the Torture Prohibition., International Studies Quarterly, 67: 3, 1–14. DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqad043
  • Norm Contestation in the Law Against War: Towards an Interdisciplinary Analytical Framework
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max; Marxsen, Christian (2023): Norm Contestation in the Law Against War: Towards an Interdisciplinary Analytical Framework, Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 83: 1: Nomos, 11–38. DOI: 10.17104/0044-2348-2023-1-11
  • How the Russia–Ukraine War Could End, and Its Impact on Conventional Arms Control
    | 2023
    Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2023): How the Russia–Ukraine War Could End, and Its Impact on Conventional Arms Control, Instituto Affari Internazionali, 23: 10, 1–12.
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  • Zivilgesellschaft in pandemischen Zeiten: Einschränkungen und Reaktionen
    | 2023
    Bethke, Felix S.; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Zivilgesellschaft in pandemischen Zeiten: Einschränkungen und Reaktionen, Weiterbildung. Zeitschrift für Grundlagen, Praxis und Trends, 2023: 1, 32–35.
    Zur Publikation
  • ExTRUST: Reducing Exploit Stockpiles With a Privacy-Preserving Depletion System for Inter-State Relationships
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas; Kuehn, Philipp; Günther, Daniel; Schneider, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): ExTRUST: Reducing Exploit Stockpiles With a Privacy-Preserving Depletion System for Inter-State Relationships, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 4: 2, 158–170. DOI: 10.1109/TTS.2023.3280356
  • Blutiger Boden. Zur Rolle von Territorium im Russisch-Ukrainischen Krieg
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): Blutiger Boden. Zur Rolle von Territorium im Russisch-Ukrainischen Krieg, W&F Wissenschaft und Frieden, 41: 2, 50–53.
    Zur Publikation
  • The Stopping Power of Sources: Implied Causal Mechanisms and Historical Interpretations in (Mearsheimer’s) Arguments on the Russo-Ukrainian War
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): The Stopping Power of Sources: Implied Causal Mechanisms and Historical Interpretations in (Mearsheimer’s) Arguments on the Russo-Ukrainian War, Analyse & Kritik, 45: 1, 137–155. DOI: 10.1515/auk-2023-2006
  • The path of least resistance: why international institutions maintain dialogue forums
    | 2023
    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Schumann, Diane (2023): The path of least resistance: why international institutions maintain dialogue forums, International Affairs, 99: 3, 941–961. DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiad032
  • Preventing the Escalation of Cyber Conflicts: Towards an Approach To Plausibly Assure the Non-Involvement in a Cyberattack
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): Preventing the Escalation of Cyber Conflicts: Towards an Approach To Plausibly Assure the Non-Involvement in a Cyberattack, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-023-00099-7
  • Bürger*innen üben sich in Diplomatie. Friedenspolitische Chancen neuer Beteiligungsformate in der Außenpolitik
    | 2023
    Pfeifer, Hanna; Geis, Anna; Opitz, Christian (2023): Bürger*innen üben sich in Diplomatie. Friedenspolitische Chancen neuer Beteiligungsformate in der Außenpolitik, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2023: 2, 36–39.
  • Budget politics and democratization in Tunisia: The loss of consensus and the erosion of trust
    | 2023
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2023): Budget politics and democratization in Tunisia: The loss of consensus and the erosion of trust, Mediterranean Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2207429
  • Lockdown of Expression
    | 2023
    Bethke, Felix S.; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Lockdown of Expression Civic space restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic as a response to mass protests, Democratization, 30: 6. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2209021
  • Socioeconomic reforms in times of political transformation: Conflicts over the political economy in Egypt and Tunisia post-2011
    | 2023
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2023): Socioeconomic reforms in times of political transformation: Conflicts over the political economy in Egypt and Tunisia post-2011, Mediterranean Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2207428
  • "Review 2024"? Für eine Zeitenwende im Auswärtigen Amt
    | 2023
    Brockmeier, Sarah (2023): "Review 2024"? Für eine Zeitenwende im Auswärtigen Amt, APuZ – Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 17: 3: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 40–45.
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  • Knowledge Cooperation and Capacity Development for Transnational Cooperation
    | 2023
    Grimm, Sven; Ruppel, Samantha (2023): Knowledge Cooperation and Capacity Development for Transnational Cooperation, IDOS Annual Report 2021-2022, 34–38.
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  • Practices of policy orientation
    | 2023
    Holthaus, Leonie; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Practices of policy orientation, International Studies Review, 25: 1. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viac062
  • Zur Rolle und Verantwortung der Informatik für die Friedensforschung und Rüstungskontrolle
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas (2023): Zur Rolle und Verantwortung der Informatik für die Friedensforschung und Rüstungskontrolle, FIfF Kommunikation: 4, 47–49.
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  • Friedensinformatik: heute und morgen
    | 2023
    Gonsior, Anja-Liisa; Riebe, Thea; Schmid, Stefka; Reinhold, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): Friedensinformatik: heute und morgen, FIfF-Kommunikation: 4, 34–37.
    Zur Publikation
  • Book Review: Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics: Understanding the War on Drugs in Bagong Silang
    | 2023
    Kreuzer, Peter (2023): Book Review: Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics: Understanding the War on Drugs in Bagong Silang, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 42: 1, 138–140. DOI: 10.1177/18681034231153898
  • Genetic study of psoriasis highlights its close link with socio-economic status and affective symptoms
    | 2023
    Reis, Kadri; Heikkilä, Anni; Sliz, Eeva; Huilaja, Laura; Palta, Priit; Elnahas, Abdelrahman G.; Reigo, Anu; Esko, Tonu; Teder-Laving, Maris; Laisk, Triin et al. (2023): Genetic study of psoriasis highlights its close link with socio-economic status and affective symptoms, medRxiv. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-41180-2
  • Working for World Peace: Between Idealism and Cynicism in International Organizations
    | 2023
    Christian, Ben (2023): Working for World Peace: Between Idealism and Cynicism in International Organizations, Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49:1, 21-39. DOI: 10.2478/sjs-2023-0003
    Zur Publikation
  • Zur Debatte über die Einhegung eines Cyberwars: Analyse militärischer Cyberaktivitäten im Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): Zur Debatte über die Einhegung eines Cyberwars: Analyse militärischer Cyberaktivitäten im Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine, Zeitschrift für Friednes- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-023-00094-y
  • Protect and punish: Norm linkage and international responses to mass atrocities
    | 2023
    Fehl, Caroline (2023): Protect and punish: Norm linkage and international responses to mass atrocities, European Journal of International Relations. DOI: 10.1177/13540661231158548
  • Cosmic muon tomography at the Wylfa reactor site utilising an anti-neutrino detector
    | 2023
    Bridges, K.; Coleman, J.; Collins, R.; Dasari, J.; Holt, G.; Metelko, C.; Morgan, A.; Murdoch, M.; Schnellbach, Y.; Tsurin, I.; Mills, R.W.; Ryan, M.; Edwards, G.; Roberts, A. (2023): Cosmic muon tomography at the Wylfa reactor site utilising an anti-neutrino detector, Journal of Instrumentation: 18 P02024. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/18/02/P02024
  • Bureaucracy and the Everyday Practices of Contested State Diplomacy: The Paradigmatic Case of Kosovo
    | 2023
    Wille, Tobias (2023): Bureaucracy and the Everyday Practices of Contested State Diplomacy: The Paradigmatic Case of Kosovo, Review of International Studies, 1–19. DOI: 10.1017/S0260210522000602
  • With friends like these: the Sino-Russian partnership is based on interests, not ideology
    | 2023
    Abb, Pascal; Polianskii, Mikhail (2023): With friends like these: the Sino-Russian partnership is based on interests, not ideology, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-023-00090-2
  • Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia
    | 2023
    Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Milanese, Juan Pablo; Valencia, Inge Helena; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia, International Interactions, 49: 2, 237-267. DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2023.2142218
  • From the Varieties of Democracy to the defense of liberal democracy
    | 2023
    Wolff, Jonas (2023): From the Varieties of Democracy to the defense of liberal democracy V-Dem and the reconstitution of liberal hegemony under threat, Contemporary Politics, 29: 2, 161-181. DOI: 10.1080/13569775.2022.2096191
  • Rebellion und Herrschaft. Politische Ordnung unter Bedingungen des bewaffneten Konflikts
    | 2023
    Pfeifer, Hanna (2023): Rebellion und Herrschaft. Politische Ordnung unter Bedingungen des bewaffneten Konflikts, Forschung Frankfurt, 2023: 2, 28–31.
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  • Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia
    | 2023
    Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Milanese, Juan Pablo; Corredor-Garcia, Juan; Valencia, Inge Helena; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 34: 1, 138-164. DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2114244
  • From Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of Radicalization
    | 2023
    Rahlf, Lotta (2023): From Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of Radicalization, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2023.2169894
  • FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population
    | 2023
    Reis, Kadri; Kurki, Mitja I.; Karjalainen, Juha; Palta, Priit; Sipilä, Timo P.; Kristiansson, Kati; Donner, Kati M.; Reeve, Mary P.; Laivuori, Hannele; Aavikko, Mervi; Kaunisto, Mari A. et al. (2023): FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population, nature, 613, 508–518. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05473-8
  • Risk acceptance and offensive war: The case of Russia under the Putin regime
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): Risk acceptance and offensive war: The case of Russia under the Putin regime, Contemporary Security Policy. DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2023.2164974
  • Das Projekt »hope«
    | 2023
    Braun, Damaris; Böttcher, J.; Deller-Wessels, L. (2023): Das Projekt »hope« Ein notfallpsychologisches und psychotherapeutisches Trainingsformat im Kriegskontext, Report Psychologie, 38, 10–13.
  • Same same but different? Ideological differentiation and intra-jihadist competition in the Syrian civil war
    | 2023
    Schwab, Regine (2023): Same same but different? Ideological differentiation and intra-jihadist competition in the Syrian civil war, Journal of Global Security Studies: 1, 1-20. DOI: 10.1093/jogss/ogac045
  • Politicising the Rebel Governance Paradigm. Critical Appraisal and Expansion of a Research Agenda
    | 2023
    Pfeifer, Hanna; Schwab, Regine (2023): Politicising the Rebel Governance Paradigm. Critical Appraisal and Expansion of a Research Agenda Introduction to the Special Issue, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 34: 1, 1–23. DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2144000
  • Informal Human Rights Law-Making: How Treaty Bodies Use ‘General Comments’ to Develop International Law
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max; Reiners, Nina (2023): Informal Human Rights Law-Making: How Treaty Bodies Use ‘General Comments’ to Develop International Law, Global Constitutionalism, 12: 2, 378–401. DOI: 10.1017/S2045381723000023
  • Archäologische Visualisierung und Rekonstruktion. Neue Möglichkeiten im Digitalen Zeitalter
    | 2023
    Fornoff, Moritz; Rausch, Laura; Reusch, Lara (2023): Archäologische Visualisierung und Rekonstruktion. Neue Möglichkeiten im Digitalen Zeitalter, Antike Welt, 23: 1, Darmstadt.
  • „Wir haben keinen Plan B“.
    | 2022
    Simon, Hendrik; Brinkmann, Ulrich; Paulitz, Tanja (2022): „Wir haben keinen Plan B“. Chronik einer gescheiterten Digitalisierung, Arbeit, 31: 4, 355–375. DOI:
  • Scheitern mit Ansage
    | 2022
    Baldus, Jana; Meier, Oliver (2022): Scheitern mit Ansage, Vereinte Nationen, 2022: 6, 266–271. DOI: 10.35998/VN-2022-0030
  • One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region
    | 2022
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2022): One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-022-00081-9
  • Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative
    | 2022
    Lesch, Max; Loh, Dylan (2022): Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative, Global Studies Quarterly, 2: 4, 1-12. DOI: 10.1093/isagsq/ksac068
  • Bones and Injustices: Provenance research, restitutions, and identity politics. Dialectical Anthropology.
    | 2022
    Kurzwelly, Jonatan (2022): Bones and Injustices: Provenance research, restitutions, and identity politics. Dialectical Anthropology., Dialectical Anthropology. DOI: 10.1007/s10624-022-09670-9
  • Vermittlung und Kritik in internationalen Organisationen
    | 2022
    Christian, Ben (2022): Vermittlung und Kritik in internationalen Organisationen, Zeitschrift diskurs, 2022: 8, 27–40.
  • Vom Krieg zum Frieden. Vertrauen im Konflikt
    | 2022
    Brock, Lothar; Simon, Hendrik (2022): Vom Krieg zum Frieden. Vertrauen im Konflikt, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte: 40, 14-19.
    Zur Publikation
  • Von Kuba zur Ukraine. Zwei Nuklearkrisen im Vergleich
    | 2022
    Daase, Christopher (2022): Von Kuba zur Ukraine. Zwei Nuklearkrisen im Vergleich, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte: 39, 34-40.
    Zur Publikation
  • Verhandlungen unter Feinden
    | 2022
    Deitelhoff, Nicole (2022): Verhandlungen unter Feinden Warum im Ukrainekrieg Gespräche unbedingt geboten sind, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 2022: 12.
    Zur Publikation
  • Wert und Verwendung menschlicher Überreste Vergangene und gegenwärtige Perspektiven im interdisziplinären Dialog
    | 2022
    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Wilckens, Malin S (2022): Wert und Verwendung menschlicher Überreste Vergangene und gegenwärtige Perspektiven im interdisziplinären Dialog, Historische Anthropologie, 30: 3, 329–349. DOI: 10.7788/hian.2022.30.3.329
  • Inertia and Reactiveness in Germany's Russia Policy: From the 2021 Federal Election to the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
    | 2022
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2022): Inertia and Reactiveness in Germany's Russia Policy: From the 2021 Federal Election to the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022, German Politics and Society, 40:4, 135-151. DOI: 10.3167/gps.2022.400407
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  • Calcified identities: Persisting essentialism in academic collections of human remains
    | 2022
    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Wilckens, Malin S (2022): Calcified identities: Persisting essentialism in academic collections of human remains, Anthropological Theory, 1-23. DOI: 10.1177/14634996221133872
  • Between Destabilization and Enabling Resilience: Perspectives from the Technical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Law
    | 2022
    Reuter, Christian; Göttsche, Malte; Frieß, Friederike; Thielbörger, Pierre; Vüllers, Johannes (2022): Between Destabilization and Enabling Resilience: Perspectives from the Technical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Law, Die Friedens-Warte, 95(3–4), 244–246.
  • Giftstoffe und Chemieanlagen im Krieg
    | 2022
    Burck, Kristoffer; Krin, Anna (2022): Giftstoffe und Chemieanlagen im Krieg, Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 70: 12, 8–11.
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  • Drifting Apart: Examining the Consequences of States' Dissociation from International Cooperation - A Framework
    | 2022
    Dembinski, Matthias; Peters, Dirk (2022): Drifting Apart: Examining the Consequences of States' Dissociation from International Cooperation - A Framework, Historical Social Research, 47: 2, 7–32. DOI: 10.12759/hsr.47.2022.14
  • Brexit: The Perils of Dissociation by Negotiation
    | 2022
    Peters, Dirk (2022): Brexit: The Perils of Dissociation by Negotiation, Historical Social Research, 47: 2, 138–163. DOI: 10.12759/hsr.47.2022.19
  • Devianz als Vermittlung zwischen Fakt und Norm
    | 2022
    Lesch, Max (2022): Devianz als Vermittlung zwischen Fakt und Norm Epistemische Praktiken und fact-finding internationaler Organisationen, Zeitschrift diskurs, 2022: 8, 12–26.
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  • Dynamics of peace or legacy of rebel governance? Patterns of cooperation between FARC-ex-combatants and conflict-affected communities in Colombia
    | 2022
    Richter, Solveig; Barrios Sabogal, Laura Camila (2022): Dynamics of peace or legacy of rebel governance? Patterns of cooperation between FARC-ex-combatants and conflict-affected communities in Colombia, Small Wars & Insurgencies. DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2117824
  • Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
    | 2022
    Wuttke, Alexander; Breznau, Nate; Rinke, Eike Mark; Wuttke, Alexander; Bethke, Felix S. (2022): Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119: 44. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2203150119.
  • All geopolitics is local: the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor amidst overlapping centre–periphery relations
    | 2022
    Abb, Pascal (2022): All geopolitics is local: the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor amidst overlapping centre–periphery relations, Third World Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2022.2128329
  • Heimvorteil?
    | 2022
    Witt, Antonia; Bah, Omar M; Birchinger, Sophia; Jaw, Sait Matty; Schnabel, Simone (2022): Heimvorteil? Lokale Perspektiven auf die Friedensbemühungen afrikanischer Regionalorganisationen, Forschung Frankfurt, 2022: 1, 30–34.
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  • The Perils of Ruxit: Russia's Tension-Ridden Dissociation from the European Security Order
    | 2022
    Polianskii, Mikhail (2022): The Perils of Ruxit: Russia's Tension-Ridden Dissociation from the European Security Order, Historical Social Research, 47: 2, 77–108. DOI: 10.12759/hsr.47.2022.17
  • VIDARR: monitoring reactor anti-neutrinos using a plastic scintillator detector in a mobile laboratory
    | 2022
    Bridges, K.; Carroll, J.; Coleman, J.; Collins, R.; Dasari, J.; Holt, G.; Lockwood, M.; Metelko, C.; Morgan, A.; Murdoch, M.; Schnellbach, Y.; Tsurin, I.; Touramanis, C.; Mills, R.; Davies, G.; Roberts, A. (2022): VIDARR: monitoring reactor anti-neutrinos using a plastic scintillator detector in a mobile laboratory, Journal of Instrumentation: 17 P10009. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/10/P10009
  • Did Germany Contribute to Deterrence Failure against Russia in Early 2022?
    | 2022
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2022): Did Germany Contribute to Deterrence Failure against Russia in Early 2022?, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 16: 3, 152-171. DOI: 10.51870/TLXC9266
  • Assessing impacts of COVID-19 and their responses among smallholder farmers in Brazil, Madagascar and Tanzania
    | 2022
    Löhr, Katharina; Mugabe, Paschal; Turetta, Ana Paula Dias; Steinke, Jonathan; Lozano, Camilo; Bonatti, Michelle; Eufemia, Luca; Ito, Larissa Hery; Konzack, Alexandra; Kroll, Stefan; Mgeni, Charles Peter; Andrasana, Dina Ramanank’; Tadesse, Sophia; Yazdanpanah, Masoud; Sieber, Stefan (2022): Assessing impacts of COVID-19 and their responses among smallholder farmers in Brazil, Madagascar and Tanzania, Outlook on Agriculture. DOI: 10.1177/00307270221127717
  • Recasting the Role of Citizens in Diplomacy and Foreign Policy: Preliminary Insights and a New Research Agenda
    | 2022
    Geis, Anna; Opitz, Christian; Pfeifer, Hanna (2022): Recasting the Role of Citizens in Diplomacy and Foreign Policy: Preliminary Insights and a New Research Agenda, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 1–14. DOI: 10.1163/1871191x-bja10136
  • Zur Schnittmenge von Informatik mit Friedens- und Sicherheitsforschung: Erfahrungen aus der interdisziplinären Lehre in der Friedensinformatik
    | 2022
    Reuter, Christian; Riebe, Thea; Haunschild, Jasmin; Reinhold, Thomas; Schmid, Stefka (2022): Zur Schnittmenge von Informatik mit Friedens- und Sicherheitsforschung: Erfahrungen aus der interdisziplinären Lehre in der Friedensinformatik, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11: 2, 129–140. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-022-00078-4
  • Engaging with Public Opinion at the Micro-Level: Citizen Dialogue and Participation in German Foreign Policy
    | 2022
    Opitz, Christian; Pfeifer, Hanna; Geis, Anna (2022): Engaging with Public Opinion at the Micro-Level: Citizen Dialogue and Participation in German Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Analysis, 18: 1, 1-20. DOI: 10.1093/fpa/orab033
  • Ein wesentlicher Beitrag in Kriegszeiten
    | 2022
    Göttsche, Malte (2022): Ein wesentlicher Beitrag in Kriegszeiten, Physik-Journal, 21: 7, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 3-3.
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  • Von Gorbatschow zu Putin. Der gescheiterte Versuch, der Geschichte zu entkommen
    | 2022
    Polianskii, Mikhail (2022): Von Gorbatschow zu Putin. Der gescheiterte Versuch, der Geschichte zu entkommen, Netzwerk Friedenskooperative, Bonn.
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  • Frieden ist nur denkbar bei russischer Einsicht
    | 2022
    Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2022): Frieden ist nur denkbar bei russischer Einsicht Prozess dürfte Jahrzehnte dauern, in: Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge (eds), Frieden, 2022: 2, 10–13.
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  • The digital divide in state vulnerability to submarine communications cable failure
    | 2022
    Franken, Jonas; Reinhold, Thomas; Reichert, Lilian; Reuter, Christian (2022): The digital divide in state vulnerability to submarine communications cable failure, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 38. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcip.2022.100522
  • Kohärenz statt Konkurrenz
    | 2022
    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Grävingholt, Jörn (2022): Kohärenz statt Konkurrenz, Internationale Politik, Special Zivile Krisenprävention, 5, 26–29.
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  • Conjugated Porous Polymers Based on BODIPY and BOPHY Dyes in Hybrid Heterojunctions for Artificial Photosynthesis
    | 2022
    Collado, Laura; Naranjo, Teresa; Gomez-Mendoza, Miguel; G. López-Calixto, Carmen; Oropeza, Freddy E.; Liras, Marta; Marugán, Javier; de la Peña O'Shea, Víctor A. (2022): Conjugated Porous Polymers Based on BODIPY and BOPHY Dyes in Hybrid Heterojunctions for Artificial Photosynthesis, Advanced Functional Materials: 31. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202105384
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  • Advanced Nanostructured Conjugated Microporous Polymer Application in a Tandem Photoelectrochemical Cell for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
    | 2022
    Barawi, Mariam; Alfonso-González, Elena; G. López-Calixto, Carmen; García, Alberto; García-Sánchez, Alba; Villar-García, Ignacio J.; Liras, Marta; de la Peña O'Shea, Victor A. (2022): Advanced Nanostructured Conjugated Microporous Polymer Application in a Tandem Photoelectrochemical Cell for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Small: 18. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202201351
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  • Wie Frieden schaffen?
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    Schnabel, Simone (2022): Wie Frieden schaffen? Besprechung des Buches von Séverine Autesserre, The Frontlines of Peace. An Insider's Guide to Changing the World, New York: Oxford University Press 2021, Vereinte Nationen, 2022: 4, 188.
  • Phenotype Harmonization in the GLIDE2 Oral Health Genomics Consortium.
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    Reis, Kadri; Divaris, Kimon; Haworth, Simon; Shaffer, J.R.; Anttonen, V.; Beck, J.D.; Furuichi, Y.; Holtfreter, Birte; Jönsson, D.; Kocher, T. et al. (2022): Phenotype Harmonization in the GLIDE2 Oral Health Genomics Consortium., Journal of dental research, 101: 11. DOI: 10.1177/00220345221109775
  • Research from The Classroom: Research Seedbeds in Colombian Secondary Education
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    Navarro De Arcos, Margarita Rosa; Acevedo, Álvaro (2022): Research from The Classroom: Research Seedbeds in Colombian Secondary Education, Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 26: 1, 1–9.
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  • Konferenzbericht: SCIENCE · PEACE · SECURITY ’21
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    Göttsche, Malte (2022): Konferenzbericht: SCIENCE · PEACE · SECURITY ’21, Die Friedens-Warte, 95, 217–223.
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    Zschocke, Paul; Mullis, Daniel (2022): Rechte Raumnahme und Performative Politik in Freiberg, dérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, 42–48.
  • Citizen Assessments of Clientelistic Practices in South Africa
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    Wegner, Eva; Pellicer, Miquel; Bayer, Markus; Tischmeyer, Christian (2022): Citizen Assessments of Clientelistic Practices in South Africa, Third World Quarterly, 43: 10, 2467–2487. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2022.2099825
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    Flamm, Patrick (2022): Antarktis im Wandel: Vom Vorbild zum Auslaufmodell internationaler Kooperation?, ZIB Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 29: 1, 114–125. DOI: 10.5771/0946-7165-2022-1-114
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    Ahmed, Reem; Kroll, Stefan; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2022): Grundrechtsschonende Sicherheit: Eine Freiheitskommission für Deutschland, IFSH Hamburg.
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    Schalz, Max; Bormann, Lewis; Göttsche, Malte (2022): Using Fuel Cycle Simulators and Bayesian Inference in Nuclear Archaeology, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 126: 1, 122–125.
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    Flamm, Patrick; Verbitsky, Jane (2022): Introduction: ‘Studying from the margins’ - Global South perspectives on the future of Antarctic governance, The Polar Journal, 12: 1, 1–4. DOI: 10.1080/2154896X.2022.2066613
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    Flamm, Patrick (2022): Legitimating the Antarctic Treaty System: from rich nations club to planetary ecological democracy?, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 76: 3, 266–285. DOI: 10.1080/10357718.2022.2056876
  • Same but Different: The Role of Local Leaders in the Peace Processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone
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    Brockmeier, Sarah (2022): Sprecht mit ihnen, Internationale Politik Special: Pott und die Welt, 3, 30–33.
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