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Gesuchte Kategorie: Arbeitspapiere

  • Output, Outcome, Impact
    | 2010
    Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2010): Output, Outcome, Impact. Focusing the Analytical Lens for Evaluating the Success of Corporate Contributions to Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention, PRIF Working Paper, No.03.
  • Self-Determination and Empowerment as Challenges to Democracy Promotion
    | 2010
    Wolff, Jonas (2010): Self-Determination and Empowerment as Challenges to Democracy Promotion. US and German Reactions to Bolivia's "Democratic Revolution", PRIF Working Paper, 5, Frankfurt/M.
  • External Threat and Democratic Institutions
    | 2010
    Peters, Dirk; Wagner, Wolfgang (2010): External Threat and Democratic Institutions. The Parliamentary Control of Military Missions.
    Zur Publikation
  • Parliamentary War Powers Around the World, 1989-2004
    | 2010
    Wagner, Wolfgang; Peters, Dirk; Glahn, Cosima (2010): Parliamentary War Powers Around the World, 1989-2004. A New Data Set, Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) Occasional Paper 22, Genf.
    Zur Publikation
  • Justice and Peace
    | 2010
    Müller, Harald (2010): Justice and Peace. Good Things Do Not Always Go Together, PRIF Working Paper, 6, Frankfurt/M.
  • Hushed Hope - India, the Nuclear Deal, and Nonproliferation
    | 2010
    Rauch, Carsten (2010): Hushed Hope - India, the Nuclear Deal, and Nonproliferation, PRIF Working Paper, No.07.
  • Non-State Violence and Political Order:
    | 2010
    Jakobi, Anja P. (2010): Non-State Violence and Political Order:. A View on Long-Term Consequences of Non-State Security Governance, PRIF Working Paper, No.04.
  • Gentrification und Neoliberalisierung: Die Berner Stadtplanung im Fokus. Eine kritische Analyse der Stadtplanungsdokumente am Beispiel des Lorrainequartiers
    | 2009
    Mullis, Daniel (2009): Gentrification und Neoliberalisierung: Die Berner Stadtplanung im Fokus. Eine kritische Analyse der Stadtplanungsdokumente am Beispiel des Lorrainequartiers, Bern: Forschungsberichte des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Bern.
  • Managing Rivalries
    | 2009
    Dembinski, Matthias; Hasenclever, Andreas; Freistein, Katja; Weiffen, Britta (2009): Managing Rivalries. Regional Security Institutions and Democracy in Western Europe, South America, Southeast Asia and East Asia.
  • Religion in den internationalen Beziehungen
    | 2008
    Baumgart-Ochse, Claudia (2008): Religion in den internationalen Beziehungen, Religion – Konflikt – Frieden. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung 2008 des Forschungsverbundes Religion und Konflikt, 5: epd-Dokumentation.
  • The Discursive Construction of Legal Norms and Institutions
    | 2007
    Deitelhoff, Nicole (2007): The Discursive Construction of Legal Norms and Institutions. Law and Politics in Negotiations on the International Criminal Court, CLPE research paper series: Osgood Hall Law School.
  • Religious Zionism and Israel Foreign Policy
    | 2006
    Baumgart-Ochse, Claudia (2006): Religious Zionism and Israel Foreign Policy, Cornell Occasional Paper, 30: 1.
  • Managing ethnic divisions in the Philippines and Malaysia
    | 2006
    Kreuzer, Peter (2006): Managing ethnic divisions in the Philippines and Malaysia, Cornell Occasional Paper, 30: 4: Cornell University Peace Studies Program.
    Zur Publikation
  • Form Characteristics of Regional Security Organizations
    | 2006
    Dembinski, Matthias; Freistein, Katja; Weiffen, Britta (2006): Form Characteristics of Regional Security Organizations. The Missing Link in the Explanation of the Democratic Peace, Tübinger Arbeitspapier, 48.
  • Neue Reformdynamik durch neue Strategien?
    | 2006
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2006): Neue Reformdynamik durch neue Strategien?. Die Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik im südlichen Mittelmeerraum, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin Diskussionspapier FG 6.
  • The 2005 NPT Review Conference: Reasons and Consequences of Failure and Options for Repari
    | 2005
    Müller, Harald (2005): The 2005 NPT Review Conference: Reasons and Consequences of Failure and Options for Repari, Study of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, 31, Stockholm.
  • WMD Crisis: Law Instead of Lawless Self-Help
    | 2005
    Müller, Harald (2005): WMD Crisis: Law Instead of Lawless Self-Help, Study of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, 37, Stockholm.
  • Multilateral Nuclear Fuel-Cycle Arrangements
    | 2005
    Müller, Harald (2005): Multilateral Nuclear Fuel-Cycle Arrangements, Study of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, 35, Stockholm.
  • Transnational Corporations and Conflict Prevention
    | 2004
    Rieth, Lothar; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (2004): Transnational Corporations and Conflict Prevention. The Impact of Norms on Private Actors, Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung: 43.
  • Engendering Security Discourses in IR
    | 2004
    Wisotzki, Simone (2004): Engendering Security Discourses in IR. Theoretical Insights and Practical Implications, Feminist IR – Problems, Debates, Prospects, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Working Paper, No. 47/April 2004, 31–50.
  • EU cooperative threat reduction activities in Russia
    | 2003
    Höhl, Kathrin; Müller, Harald; Schaper, Annette (2003): EU cooperative threat reduction activities in Russia, in: Schmitt, Burkard (eds), Chaillot Paper, 61, Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
  • Terrorism, Proliferation
    | 2003
    Müller, Harald (2003): Terrorism, Proliferation. A European Threat Assessment, Chaillot Papers No. 58, Paris: Institute for Security Studies.
  • Nuclear Proliferation, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
    | 2002
    Müller, Harald (2002): Nuclear Proliferation, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, in: Garrido Rebolledo, Vicente (eds), The Future of the WMD Non-Proliferation Regimes. Tasks Ahead for the Spanish Presidency, Madrid: U-NISCI Papers 24/25, 11–20.
  • Richte unsere Füße auf den Weg des Friedens
    | 2002
    Brock, Lothar et al. (2002): Richte unsere Füße auf den Weg des Friedens. Gewaltsame Konflikte und zivile Intervention an Beispielen aus Afrika. Eine Studie der Kammer der EKD für Entwicklung und Umwelt, EKD Texte, 72.
  • Definitions, Types, Missions, Risks and Options for Control: A European Perspective
    | 2000
    Müller, Harald; Schaper, Annette (2000): Definitions, Types, Missions, Risks and Options for Control: A European Perspective, in: Potter, C. William; Sokov, Nikolai; Müller, Harald; Schaper, Annette (eds), Tactical Nuclear Weapons. Options for Control: 20, Genf: UNIDIR, 19–78.
  • Tactical Nuclear Weapons
    | 2000
    Müller, Harald; Potter, W.C.; Schaper, Annette; Sokov, N. (2000): Tactical Nuclear Weapons. Options for Control, UNIDIR Research Report.
  • Zwischen Szylla und Charybdis
    | 1999
    Dembinski, Matthias (1999): Zwischen Szylla und Charybdis. Die ungeklärte Zukunft der Bundeswehr, Kommune, Nr. 9, 6–11.
  • From Collective Defense to Common Security?
    | 1999
    Dembinski, Matthias (1999): From Collective Defense to Common Security?. NATO’s Delicate Process of Adaptation, Northern Europe and Central Europe: hard, soft and civic security. A Report from an international Seminar, Budapest, 136–150.
  • International Perspectives on Counterproliferation
    | 1995
    Müller, Harald; Reiss, Mitchell (1995): International Perspectives on Counterproliferation, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Working Paper: 99, Washington, D.C..
  • Counterproliferation and the Nonproliferation Regime
    | 1995
    Müller, Harald (1995): Counterproliferation and the Nonproliferation Regime. A View From Germany, in: Müller, Harald; Reiss, Mitchell (eds), International Perspectives on Counterproliferation. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Working Paper, 99, Washington, D.C., 25–36.
  • Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy as Part of the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy
    | 1994
    Müller, Harald (1994): Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy as Part of the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy, CEPS Working Document: 86, Brüssel.
  • Nuclear Proliferation – Where Do We Stand?
    | 1994
    Müller, Harald; Schaper, Annette (1994): Nuclear Proliferation – Where Do We Stand?, in: Garrido, Vicente; Marquina, Antonio (eds), Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the Mediterranean. The Need for Confidence-Building Measures: 2: UNISCI Papers, 1–16.
  • The 1991/2 Reform of International Nuclear-Related Export Controls
    | 1994
    Müller, Harald (1994): The 1991/2 Reform of International Nuclear-Related Export Controls, in: Garrido, Vicente; Marquina, Antonio (eds), uclear Non-Proliferation and the Mediterranean. The Need for Confidence-Building Measures: 2: UNISCI Papers, 53–68.
  • Testfall Nordkorea
    | 1994
    Dembinski, Matthias (1994): Testfall Nordkorea. Die Wirksamkeit des verbesserten IAEO-Safeguardssystems, IP 2849, Ebenhausen: SWP.
  • Test-Cast North Korea
    | 1994
    Dembinski, Matthias (1994): Test-Cast North Korea. Are the Recently Adopted Reforms of the Non-Proliferation Regime Adequate for Thwarting Clandestine Nuclear Weapons Programs?, IP 2865, Ebenhausen: SWP.
  • Umrisse einer neuen Weltordnung
    | 1992
    Brock, Lothar (1992): Umrisse einer neuen Weltordnung. Wie verändert sich die politische Landkarte?, in: Calließ, Jörg; Moltmann, Bernhard (eds), Jenseits der Bipolarität, Loccum: Loccumer Protokolle 9, 31–41.
  • Abschlußbericht über das DFG-Projekt "Westeuropa und die Atlantische Allianz. Die Identität Westeuropas in der Diskussion über eine Neuordnung der westlichen Sicherheitspolitik"
    | 1992
    Brock, Lothar; Jopp, Mathias; Meyer, Berthold; Ropers, Norbert; Schlotter, Peter (1992): Abschlußbericht über das DFG-Projekt "Westeuropa und die Atlantische Allianz. Die Identität Westeuropas in der Diskussion über eine Neuordnung der westlichen Sicherheitspolitik", HSFK-Forschungsbericht, Frankfurt/M: HSFK.
  • Kriegsverhütung und umfassende Sicherheit
    | 1991
    Brock, Lothar (1991): Kriegsverhütung und umfassende Sicherheit. Neue Herausforderungen und alte Aufgaben der Friedensforschung, Projektverbund Friedenswissenschaften Kiel-Texte, 3.
  • Probleme der nuklearen Technologiekontrolle
    | 1991
    Müller, Harald (1991): Probleme der nuklearen Technologiekontrolle. Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsaussichten, Nichtverbreitung von Kernwaffen. Neue Probleme und Perspektiven, Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V./Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik 66), Bonn: Europa Union Verlag.
  • The Controversy over West German Export Policy
    | 1990
    Müller, Harald (1990): The Controversy over West German Export Policy. (Summary of Seminar Presentation by Gary Gardner), GPSP Research Note, 1, Monterey, CA: Global Peace and Security Program, Monterey Institute of International Studies.
  • Falling Into Line?
    | 1990
    Müller, Harald (1990): Falling Into Line?. France and the NPT, PPNN Occasional Paper 6, England: The Centre for International Policy Studies, Department of Politics, University of Southampton, on behalf of the Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation.
  • Zur Zivilisierung des Umgangs mit der Dritten Welt
    | 1989
    Brock, Lothar (1989): Zur Zivilisierung des Umgangs mit der Dritten Welt, Loccumer Protokolle, 4, Loccum, 463–469.
  • Frieden und Entwicklung
    | 1988
    Brock, Lothar (1988): Frieden und Entwicklung, Loccumer Protokolle 67/1986, Loccum, 249–254.
  • Strategic Defences
    | 1987
    Müller, Harald (1987): Strategic Defences. The End of the Alliance Strategy?, CEPS Paper, 32, Brussels.
  • Quadrangular Security
    | 1985
    Müller, Harald; May, S. (1985): Quadrangular Security, CEPS Working Document, Brussels.
  • Integrierte Bergregionen-Entwicklung
    | 1984
    Brock, Lothar; Müller-Hohenstein, Klaus (1984): Integrierte Bergregionen-Entwicklung. Ein State of the Art-Bericht (im Auftrage der gtz/Eschborn), Frankfurt/M / Bayreuth.
  • Consumer Energy Conservation Policies and Programs
    | 1984
    Müller, Harald (1984): Consumer Energy Conservation Policies and Programs. A Comparative Analysis of Program Design and Implementation in Eight Western Countries, Berlin: Science Center.
    Zur Publikation
  • Nuclear Proliferation
    | 1984
    Müller, Harald (1984): Nuclear Proliferation. Facing Reality, CEPS Paper, 14: 5, Brüssel: CEPS.
  • Die Probleme der Entwicklungsländer
    | 1983
    Brock, Lothar (1983): Die Probleme der Entwicklungsländer. Von der Entkolonisierung zur Neuordnung der Weltwirtschaft, HSFK-Manuskripte, Frankfurt/M.
  • Die lateinamerikanischen Staaten und die Bundesrepublik in internationalen Organisationen
    | 1983
    Brock, Lothar (1983): Die lateinamerikanischen Staaten und die Bundesrepublik in internationalen Organisationen, HSFK-Manuskripte, Frankfurt/M.
  • Konflikt und Kooperation
    | 1982
    Brock, Lothar; Spanger, Hans-Joachim (1982): Konflikt und Kooperation. Die beiden deutschen Staaten in der Dritten Welt, Die beiden deutschen Staaten im Ost-West-Verhältnis, 15.Tagung zum Stand der DDR-Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Köln: Edition Deutschland Archiv, 108–123.