Laura Bannan-Fischer

Knowledge Transfer Officer

Laura Bannan-Fischer is a Knowledge Transfer Officer at the Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research (CNTR) and Co-Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Network Environ­mental Crises - Crisis Environ­ments (CrisEn). At PRIF's Berlin office, she supports the institute's exchange with decision-makers, scientific institutions and the public. She is particularly concerned with the interde­pendencies of environ­mental change, peace and security as well as intercultural under­standing.


| since 2024
Co-Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Network Environ­mental Crisis - Crisis Environ­ments (CrisEn), PRIF

| since 2023
Knowledge Transfer Officer at the Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control (CNTR) and at PRIF's Berlin Office

| 2022–2023
Trainee and consultant at the general office of the German Council for Sustainable Develop­ment (RNE), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Inter­nationale Zusam­menarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

| 2019–2021
Student Assistant at the Leibniz-Research Alliance Crises in a Globalised World, PRIF

| 2018–2019
Intern at EcoPeace Middle East, Tel Aviv

| 2018–2019
Conflict Resolution & Mediation study program at Tel Aviv University, DAAD Scholarship for “Strategic Partnerships”

| 2017–2022
Master's degree in Inter­national Studies/Peace and Conflict Research at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

| 2015–2016
International Relations study program at Gala­tasaray Üniversitesi İstanbul

| 2013–2017
Bachelor's degree in Cultural and Social Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Honor as the best graduate of the year by the Branden­burg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture


  • Neuer Aufschwung oder unüberwindbare Hindernisse? Der SDG-Gipfel 2023 im Zeichen eskalierender globaler Mehrfachkrisen
    | 2023
    Bannan-Fischer, Laura (2023): Neuer Aufschwung oder unüberwindbare Hindernisse? Der SDG-Gipfel 2023 im Zeichen eskalierender globaler Mehrfachkrisen, PRIF Blog.
  • Peru: General Elections in the Air, a Crisis of Democracy on the Ground
    | 2021
    Bannan-Fischer, Laura (2021): Peru: General Elections in the Air, a Crisis of Democracy on the Ground, PRIF Blog.

Further Activities

| since 2023
Member of PRIF's Working Group Sustain­ability

| since 2023
Chair of the Board of the EWANA Center for Cultural Under­standing

German Security Policy Forum 2023 & 2024: 

  • Panel­diskussion „Der neue Regime­wettbewerb und seine sicherheits­politischen Folgen“, organization and moderation, Berlin, May 2024
  • Panel­diskussion „Rüstungs­kontrolle und Neue Techno­logien - Chancen sehen und ergreifen“, organization, Berlin, May 2024
  • Virutelle Panel­diskussion „Die Zukunft von Handel und Frieden in der deutschen Außen­politik“, organization, May 2023

  • „PRIF Dialog: Ein Jahr Regierung Gustavo Petro und der Friedens­prozess in Kolumbien", organization, Berlin, November 2023
  • „PRIF Dialog: Die Zukunft deutscher Rüstungs­kontrolle und die Herausforderung der Verifikation", organisation, Berlin, December 2023