Laura Bannan-Fischer
Laura Bannan-Fischer is a Knowledge Transfer Officer at the Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research (CNTR) and Co-Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Network Environmental Crises - Crisis Environments (CrisEn). At PRIF's Berlin office, she supports the institute's exchange with decision-makers, scientific institutions and the public. She is particularly concerned with the interdependencies of environmental change, peace and security as well as intercultural understanding.
| since 2024
Co-Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Network Environmental Crisis - Crisis Environments (CrisEn), PRIF
| since 2023
Knowledge Transfer Officer at the Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control (CNTR) and at PRIF's Berlin Office
| 2022–2023
Trainee and consultant at the general office of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
| 2019–2021
Student Assistant at the Leibniz-Research Alliance Crises in a Globalised World, PRIF
| 2018–2019
Intern at EcoPeace Middle East, Tel Aviv
| 2018–2019
Conflict Resolution & Mediation study program at Tel Aviv University, DAAD Scholarship for “Strategic Partnerships”
| 2017–2022
Master's degree in International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
| 2015–2016
International Relations study program at Galatasaray Üniversitesi İstanbul
| 2013–2017
Bachelor's degree in Cultural and Social Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Honor as the best graduate of the year by the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture
- Neuer Aufschwung oder unüberwindbare Hindernisse? Der SDG-Gipfel 2023 im Zeichen eskalierender globaler Mehrfachkrisen
| 2023
Bannan-Fischer, Laura (2023): Neuer Aufschwung oder unüberwindbare Hindernisse? Der SDG-Gipfel 2023 im Zeichen eskalierender globaler Mehrfachkrisen, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Peru: General Elections in the Air, a Crisis of Democracy on the Ground
| 2021
Bannan-Fischer, Laura (2021): Peru: General Elections in the Air, a Crisis of Democracy on the Ground, PRIF Blog.
Further Activities
| since 2023
Member of PRIF's Working Group Sustainability
| since 2023
Chair of the Board of the EWANA Center for Cultural Understanding
- CrisEn Network Conference: How to Deal with Environmental Crises? The Interdependence of Acute and Latent Challenges in Times of Polycrisis, organization and moderation, Frankfurt/M., February 2024
German Security Policy Forum 2023 & 2024:
- Paneldiskussion „Der neue Regimewettbewerb und seine sicherheitspolitischen Folgen“, organization and moderation, Berlin, May 2024
- Paneldiskussion „Rüstungskontrolle und Neue Technologien - Chancen sehen und ergreifen“, organization, Berlin, May 2024
- Virutelle Paneldiskussion „Die Zukunft von Handel und Frieden in der deutschen Außenpolitik“, organization, May 2023
- „PRIF Dialog: Ein Jahr Regierung Gustavo Petro und der Friedensprozess in Kolumbien", organization, Berlin, November 2023
- „PRIF Dialog: Die Zukunft deutscher Rüstungskontrolle und die Herausforderung der Verifikation", organisation, Berlin, December 2023