Iris Volg


Iris Volg is a Researcher in the regional Research Center Tran­sformations of Politi­cal Vio­lence (TraCe) where she studies the inter­nationali­zation of intra­state con­flicts using quanti­tative methods. Other research interests include peace nego­tiations, conflict manage­ment, non­violent action, and politi­cal psychology.


| since 08/2024
Researcher at PRIF

| 08–09/2023
Visiting scholar at the Depart­ment of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University

| since 2022
PhD candidate at the Insti­tute of Politi­cal Science, Goethe University Frankfurt

| since 2021
Researcher at the Insti­tute of Politi­cal Science, Goethe University Frankfurt

| 2021
Master of Arts Inter­national Studies/Peace & Con­flict Research, Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt

| 2018
Bachelor of Arts Politics & Society (Minor Psycho­logy), University of Bonn

| 2017
Certificat d'études politiques, Science Po Grenoble


  • Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability
    | 2021
    Ruhe, Constantin; Volg, Iris (2021): Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability, Research & Politics, 8: 2. DOI: 10.1177/20531680211018368

Further Activities

  • Young voices in peace processes: the impact of youth-led nonviolent action on the content of peace agreements, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK) 2024, March 13–15.
  • Civil Resistance and the Dynamics of Peace Negotiations: The Impact of Antiwar Protest, Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of Social Movements & Protest 2023, October 5–6.
  • Sanctions and peace negotiations: Fostering agreements or hampering compromise? ISA 2023 64th Annual Convention, March 12–17 (together with Constantin Ruhe).
  • Negotiating complex issues with little fervour? Why peace processes in territorial conflicts tend to produce incomplete outcomes, EPSA 2022 12th Annual Conference, June 23–25 (together with Meri Dankenbring).
  • How mediators shape the content of peace agreements: A theoretical framework of negotiations over issues, 21st Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference 2022, June 20–22 (together with Meri Dankenbring).