Iris Volg
Iris Volg is a Researcher in the regional Research Center Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe) where she studies the internationalization of intrastate conflicts using quantitative methods. Other research interests include peace negotiations, conflict management, nonviolent action, and political psychology.
| since 08/2024
Researcher at PRIF
| 08–09/2023
Visiting scholar at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University
| since 2022
PhD candidate at the Institute of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt
| since 2021
Researcher at the Institute of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt
| 2021
Master of Arts International Studies/Peace & Conflict Research, Goethe University Frankfurt
| 2018
Bachelor of Arts Politics & Society (Minor Psychology), University of Bonn
| 2017
Certificat d'études politiques, Science Po Grenoble
- Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability
| 2021
Ruhe, Constantin; Volg, Iris (2021): Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability, Research & Politics, 8: 2. DOI: 10.1177/20531680211018368
Further Activities
- Young voices in peace processes: the impact of youth-led nonviolent action on the content of peace agreements, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK) 2024, March 13–15.
- Civil Resistance and the Dynamics of Peace Negotiations: The Impact of Antiwar Protest, Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of Social Movements & Protest 2023, October 5–6.
- Sanctions and peace negotiations: Fostering agreements or hampering compromise? ISA 2023 64th Annual Convention, March 12–17 (together with Constantin Ruhe).
- Negotiating complex issues with little fervour? Why peace processes in territorial conflicts tend to produce incomplete outcomes, EPSA 2022 12th Annual Conference, June 23–25 (together with Meri Dankenbring).
- How mediators shape the content of peace agreements: A theoretical framework of negotiations over issues, 21st Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference 2022, June 20–22 (together with Meri Dankenbring).