Diane Schumann

Diane Schumann

Doctoral Researcher
Research Department:
International Institutions


E-Mail: schumann @prif .org

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since 2020Doctoral Researcher at PRIF
2017–2019Security Manager with International SOS, Frankfurt/M., Germany
2016–2017Security Specialist with International SOS & Control Risks, Dubai, UAE
2016Freelance work as translator and editor, English-German, for Linguee
2013–2016Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Politics and Economics at Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
2014–2015Mphil Muslim-Jewish Relations at the University of Cambridge, UK
2014–2015Studentship of the Woolf Institute, Cambridge, UK
2013Internship at the German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Cairo, Egypt
2011Internship at “Landtag NRW”, State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dusseldorf, Germany
2010–2013Bachelor of Arts with Honours, double degree, Literature and Business/Economics at the University of Bayreuth and University of Chester


Are international organizations really engaging with civil society? | 2023

Coni-Zimmer, Melanie / Deitelhoff, Nicole / Schumann, Diane (2023): Are international organizations really engaging with civil society?, Medium, 14.6.2023.

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The path of least resistance: why international institutions maintain dialogue forums | 2023

Coni-Zimmer, Melanie / Deitelhoff, Nicole / Schumann, Diane (2023): The path of least resistance: why international institutions maintain dialogue forums, in: International Affairs, 99:3, 941–961, DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiad032.

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